‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I initially read this as sarcasm, then realized I had to be wrong.

Classic lesson in Internet Screenshot Analysis 101.

This “coward” analysis is right of the Trump Playbook.

He’s not a sympathetic widower. He’s a sympathetic widower because his wife was murdered and he didn’t stop it. I like people who didn’t let their wife die.

That’s not covered until the 400 level of Twitter Screenshot Analysis. We got an expert in our midst.

The parents of the deceased children should be consulted on this before it happened. If they want to do an Emmett Till, let them. If they don’t, leave the dead be.

I dont have any other words for a dude who is standing in a hallway hearing children murdered for over an hour and their impulse is to idly check their phone, regardless of whether or not his wife ended up being one of those murdered.

The report is that it was his (dying) wife messaging him. Is that not good enough?

did you not see the whole clip the pic was screenshotted from? he’s idly checking his phone.


sorry for my tone we’ve just never received anything approaching truth from this entire PD, the more that comes out the worse they look every single time without fail, I refuse to excuse any one of these officers that stood in that hallway. maybe leniency is warranted on the guy for losing his wife but he’s just as culpable as every other officer near him.

it wasnt just him either

I’m still not sure that clip shows indifference. We can’t even see his eyes. He could be terrified to see the message.

It’s obvious that cops here did not act close to optimally, but I’m more apt to drag the higher end of the chain of command rather than the field level. Someone gave some fucked up orders here, and I want their heads to roll before the cop whose wife was murdered as he is in the throes of a damn massacre.

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i mean who really cares if it was indifferent or not? the videos show them well within range enough for the videos to have to be edited out for the children screaming as they’re being murdered and not one of these guys picks up their radio and is like “hey command kids are dying like literally right here should we do something?”

every single piece of footage I’ve seen shows them standing around like they are just waiting for all the kids to die so this becomes a barricaded suspect scenario and the risk to themselves is far lower.

i seriously can’t imagine the rage i’d feel as a parent watching an entire team of people that can save your kid just standing out there like they’re in line at dunkin’ waiting for the shooter to run out of bullets so they can run in and pop him real quick.

If this happened in a blue state the outrage machine from all the ‘back the blue’ types would be off the charts screaming how pussy liberal policies prevented the good guys with guns from intervening and it would be a never ending story on Fox. The cognitive dissonance is just off the charts


To be fair, the AR-15 is literally shooting at the teacher, so it makes sense an armed teacher would shoot back.

(I’m being facetious)


Also to be fair, teachers tend to give a fuck about the lives of their students. These cops clearly didn’t.



the thing people should be taking away from this is “IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER if you have a good guy with a gun, these guys had a whole fucking hallway full of them and they couldn’t do anything.” Period. Whether these particular guys were cowards or not is 100% irrelevant, this is the fucking scenario the gun nuts have been telling us is the solution and it’s a complete, total, absolute failure. There is no other solution other than GET RID OF THE FUCKING GUNS


A+ analysis. They always make the conversation about something else and “we” fall for it over and over.

In further “Hes probably going to run” news.

Newsom uses the foundations of the Texas civil penalty for abortion bill to allow those harmed by gun violence to sue manufacturers.

Hes making California a test run for all the positive possibilites of the heinousness of republican law. If Texans can sue individuals for getting an abortion there is no reaaon Californians cant sue individuals (in this case, manufacturers and distributors. Good job SC, corporations really ARE people now. Just like you always wanted) for making murder weapons when they are used to murder.


it’s really this and I have a hard time writing out exactly why this pisses me off, but talking to my uncle who’s a gnarly ex navy seal, who then went into law enforcement for 20 years and was on the swat team - he thinks all assault rifles should be outlawed for civilians, and any other firearms should be heavily regulated. this is the common sense take for anyone who pretends to actually care about the safety of our law enforcement officers and why I get so fucking pissed off at watching that video and the defenses of the police actions.

like, these 2A people will get all hot and frothy about how our police are heroes for killing the 400 thousandth unarmed black man of the week because he “reached for his waistband” and wax poetic about how heroic they are and put their lives on the line every day for our safety, but when they’re put in an actual scenario like this with actual lives at stake they freeze. it’s too infuriating and hypocritical.

the other thing my uncle said too that made sense is these guys may be trained for these scenarios but it’s overwhelmingly unlikely they’ve seen actual combat or death before and it’s completely different while it’s happening and you can only really expect soldiers or experienced SWAT to make a difference in these situations. fair, but like, the only reason we need SWAT to save 2 dozen children in the first place is because any deranged 18 year old jackass can go out and buy a weapon that is so insanely powerful that it fills guys like my uncle who is basically a real life jason bourne with fear.


If you want a great channel for some police frothiness and schaudenfreaud at their comeupance, Audit the Audit on youtube is great. He is also pretty fair in his coverage. The most recent video was about an hispanic guy in San Jose videotaping on public property outside a business. The workers there essentially SWAT him by claiming that they think he has a gun, and the lead officer on scene for SJPD does an outstanding job at deescalating the situation and getting things right. He doesnt roll up with guns drawn on the spooky hispanic dude and essentially tells the workers off for being POSes that could have gotten a guy killed for videotaping on public property.

And no, he isnt a pro cop channel. The best episodes are those where the police abuse their power like the children they are and then get actual consequences for their actions.

Its a great glimpse into just how little the police seem to know or care about our rights as citizens.


That’s true. Makes it strange when coward accusations are thrown out indiscriminately, since it’s so irrelevant.

In most places in the US it’s totally legal to just roll around (parks, malls, stores, etc) with an AR15 on your shoulder, yes? And then regular people just have to, you know, hope that the person with the AR15 isn’t the type to just start killing everyone.

I’m kind of surprised we don’t see more 2A audit types doing this and causing a lot of trouble.