‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

ask yourself not what your second amendment can do for you, but what you can do for your second amendment.

forgive them, second amendment, for they know not what they do



My sister just permanently quit after 10 years of being a middle school and high school math teacher. I have no idea how long she made it that long tbh. Mostly it was the awful Trumpy parents she had to deal with but the low pay, covid era and school shooting drills all played a role as well.

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That would explain why he looked much more distraught in the video than the other officers.

has this been confirmed or is it just this random twitter dude saying it?

Looks like it’s true actually. Here are photos of her husband.

Looks like the same dude to me.

Dude that tweeted it is blue check mark and some dude running for office in El Paso, so seems likely true



SHAME ON YOU, libtards - he’s not slacking off on his phone while being a coward, he’s checking a message from his wife actively being murdered while being a coward. Get it right.


Seems like he was pretty indifferent to whether his wife survived

Did ya not read what happened? Source is saying he was stopped from going in. They took his weapon away

Wtf dude

IDK he’s got a gun in the video when he’s checking his phone. At this point I honestly don’t believe anything anyone says that isn’t on tape. They’ve told way too many lies about this thing at this point. I don’t even 100% believe that he’s the cop whose wife was a teacher.

Fair, but given the uncertainty I wouldn’t be running my mouth either

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Lol come on man. These Uvalde cops have totally lost any remote claim to credibility or respect. It’s over with the waiting to see what the final story is. The final story is the video tape from multiple angles of them fucking up every stage of this thing and getting a bunch of innocent people killed. We already have that.

The guy they’re claiming has a wife in the classroom with the shooter does look very chill to me. If I had to put my money on what they’re lying about it’s that the guy checking his phone is actually some kind of major victim in this whole story. It’s also exactly the kind of thing reporters wouldn’t check super hard because it’s good copy. That’s already happened like fifteen times on this thing so I’m not going to pretend like that doesn’t have a shitload of equity.


Yep it’s certainly an extremely strange image given the context that’s been given.

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I wish they would air the unedited version with the kids screaming on primetime on every channel. This country needs to wake the fuck up. I’m absolutely exhausted by how we all have to live in this dystopian nightmare factory so that a very thin slice of the white population can pretend that real life is extremely similar to being a customer at Disneyworld.

The audio in that video is shit because they edited out little kids screaming their heads off. Those cops are listening to that and standing around. This is the reality of the service we as Americans are getting from the police.


I’m with you on this. The only possible thing that could move the needle at this point is something like a leak of the crime scene photos.

What is the intersection between Trumpy parents and math? Were they accusing her of too much CRT in her math classes or something?