‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America






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This fucking guy asking the questions,
“isn’t it both parties fault we can’t get gun legislation?”
“Shootings have happened during Democrat and republican presidents”

Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu




Checking in on what deplorables are riled up about today…

Luke Cartwright But we have all the guns :man_shrugging:

Valerie-William Wells Unreal. The left are satanists.

Lois Paul Maslanka SICK people

James Thompson Sr. The ignorant libtards are afraid of “Guns”…sooo

Craig Reyes And they want gun control when they want to do this to us

Shana Bailey Since they want guns banned how do they hunt???

Michael Cruz But hey, Trump and Republicans/Conservatives are the problem…

Doreen Carlson-Doyle Come and get it. Have you ever heard of "Hunger Games’?

Steven Furnari Hollywood is sick.!!!

John Tavares Can we just get this civil war on already? Lol

And finally one voice of reason:

They have made movies about people hunting people for nearly 100 years. Nothing in the trailer indicates it “Democrats vs Republicans”. I think someone is just trying to ruffle feathers honestly.

I recently did work for a horror comedy movie that was about millennials vs. baby boomers (a psychotic baby boomer murdering millennials who rent out his Air BnB). He eventually meets the wrong one.

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Green shirt guy is me at my city council meetings just baked out of my mind


I firmly believe the left’s current problems can be traced back to how history is taught in this country.

If you’re like me, the one consistent theme in US History classes was that just outcomes are basically inevitable over time, that playing by the rules works, that the good guys eventually win.




Proud of my state. Even among gun owners Trump loses by 9 points. I think he wins by 10+ in every other state.

Also one of three where he lost working class whites (do we have any other types of people here?) and “not enough data” on evangelical or church attenders.


I read something just today about another historical figure who must have a video gaming problem- he threatened to burn his parents house down with them in it, fantasized about attacking people and death and dying:

Teenage Isaac Newton. Idk his game of choice at the time, but later he moved onto calculating logarithms to 50 places.


jesus christ wapo

Can you see who the byline’s by?

Marc thiessen. Former Bush speech writer and, surprisingly, Fox contributor.

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So anyway, things are back to normal in Dayton, people getting shot 1-2 at a time at the library instead of by the dozens.


Not that this is in any way funny, and good job grandma, but who the fuck names their kid William Williams. I mean, you’re just asking for him to be a douchebag at best


That cannot possibly be true. I have it on good authority that anybody who does anything bad simply must be mentally ill.

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Lol I was thinking the same thing :joy:

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This is just a biased view of the stats. They’re young and likely just experiencing the manifestations of extreme symptoms for the first time. It’s not super likely to have been caught before, especially if their backgrounds are poorer. Mental health intervention in this country sucks. Likely a lot of people failed them along the way and they never saw the right people.

I know guns are a factor but mental illness definitely is. I’d struggle to try to make the argument that the majority of mass killers were not mentally ill.

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