‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I think she went anti-trump so she got replaced.

She disagreed with Trump on something and kind of stopped being invited to stuff.

I wish it was because of this:


She went anti Trump ironically enough because he wasn’t right wing enough for her.

Coulter blew up during the Moneymaker era of right-wing punditry. At the time she was about the only one besides Rush willing to be completely shameless. Now there’s legions of MAGA grifters willing to go full Nazi, it’s hard to compete with guys like Tucker or whatever Gen-Z chud is big in the alt-right space right now.

You have to keep shocking your audience with more and more extreme material. Toni walking around campus with an AR-15 got her attention for a while, now she needs a more provocative stunt or someone else will take the crown.


Hope she does it again?


Definitely my favorite roast of the ones I’ve seen. I can’t believe she didn’t see it coming and decline the invite.

The best part is that she insisted on using her own jokes rather than the ones written by professional conservatives, resulting in the biggest right-wing bombing since Oklahoma City.

That definitely tracks. It was hilariously bad.

On the other hand, with that crowd, not sure how much pros could have done if they’ve got to tell conservative jokes.

This seems insanely unenforceable. Anyone can create as many social media accounts as they want.

Oh that definitely can’t turn out poorly.

I wonder what they do if you claim to not have any. I legit have zero. I have a facebook account that is unused. I think I have one post lifetime on facebook. I’m sure I’ve registered with twitter and IG but I don’t actually tweet or post (and I barely even log into the accts).

Also what exactly counts as “social media”?

Presumably all online activity that is not, like, banking.

Coulter isn’t out of the loop because of her Trump takes, it is much simpler than that: she’s too old for the average mush brained moron to fantasize about so another blonde upended her spot.

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This is what they would have given her:

Well, that actually was quite a bit better than I thought.

Did Tami do this, too, or are you thinking of the blonde, conservative idiot that pooped her pants at a party?


Tomi Lahren was supposedly fired by Beck over being pro-choice.

God I don’t know I can’t tell any of these people apart.

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Wait, wat? Who was this?