‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Not sure where to put this but apparently Crimo was a well-known agitator and part of local militias who were largely ignored by police: https://twitter.com/EladNehorai/status/1544826173653258241?s=20&t=C1R1uQPh1I_bJbXqEoYycw

Pikachu surprised gif

So much for no gun violence in Japan…



:cry: :cry: :cry:

Redolent of


Shinzo Abe died.

And because this country sucks, my mind immediately goes to assuming conservatives are jumping for joy because this shows that other countries have gun violence, too.

Japan has gun violence!

With a homemade shotgun wrapped in electrical tape

That just proves there’s no need to regulate AR-15s. If someone can be assassinated with a homemade gun, then regulating guns won’t work. That’s just common sense.


Also if they had more guns it could have been prevented, also gun violence exists with one of the lowest gun ownerships on earth. It’s a wet dream for them.

I thought “who will be the first conservative to tweet about how this proves gun laws don’t work?” and settled on Tomi Lahren. But I couldn’t remember her name so I Googled “blonde conservative idiot” and she came right up. Anyway she hasn’t commented on it.


No conservative knows where Japan is or anything about it.


That is impressive.

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Seriously. There is some very stiff competition in that space.


I bet Lycos couldn’t come up with the right answer.

It’s in China, stupid.

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Just tried it.

The results:


What happened to her. She dropped off the face of the earth. She was THE blonde conservative idiot for a long time.

Nothing. She is still around.

Google > Lycos

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I have no idea what I’d do if Cardi B punched Tomi Lahren in the face.