‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Crimo also drove to Madison, Wisconsin and contemplated a shooting there before his capture in Illinois, police said.

“It appears when he drove to Madison he was driving around; however, he did see a celebration that was occurring in Madison, and he seriously contemplated using the firearm he had in his vehicle to commit another shooting,” Lake County Major Crimes Task Force spokesman Chris Covelli said.

He told police he turned around and came back because he didn’t do enough research on the event in Madison.

A neighbor of the Highland Park mass shooting suspect revealed on Tuesday that she has a crush on the alleged killer and feels guilty about turning him down several years ago.

“I’m just thinking about him,” Amy, who declined to provide her last name, said of suspected murderer Robert “Bobby” Crimo III.

“I didn’t go to sleep last night and I haven’t eaten for two days,” Amy told The Post in a Tuesday night interview.

The 21-year-old lives near Crimo’s father’s home — but said she first met Crimo, also 21, as a fast-food colleague at Panera in March 2020.

The pair became friends when they worked at the eatery for about a month together before the chain restaurant closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

people’s lives were saved because if the killer was going to kill people, he was going to do it right dammit.

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“I take pride in my grits.”


What I learned today

Too bad he wasn’t that Arizona lady’s grandson or Scott Adams’ step-son. They would have taken him out before the shootings.


You’re on to something. We don’t need gun control in the US (THAT’S SOCIALISM!) what we need is to arm every parent with an AR-15. The ultimate Good Guy With A Gun is Mom.


One of the stupidest results of red state gun laws, even if you see the bad guy with the gun walking into the school, you don’t know if he’s an actual bad guy, or just a “law abiding” nutjob exercising his second amendment rights.

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“I’ve been here my whole life, and I’m gonna stay here, hold my head up high, because I didn’t do anything wrong.” right out of the trump playbook

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I predict this isn’t going to work out like he thinks it will.

Omg the comments.


I tried to hold it in but it just made me lol harder.

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This guy is accidentally 0.1% correct (vs. 99.9% wrong) in the sense that if his kid grew up to be a fully formed psychopath in his teens, there’s actually very little that parents can do to “fix” that. Fully trained teams of psychiatrists and psychologists struggle to treat and contain the damage of psychopaths.

But he’s mostly wrong because once you’ve got a psychopath kid, if you encourage them to embrace their inner gun nut then yeah it’s kind of your fault when he shoots a bunch of people.


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Almost every comment in twitter is saying that he doesn’t look like a Trump supporter.


Maybe he just realized that open borders don’t explain why people risk their lives stuffed into a truck trailer fucking oven to get across.

Republicans everywhere: The borders are open.

So why the fuck don’t Democrats just open the borders anyways since that is the perception?

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Cuz they don’t want them open either?


The mainstream media would would point out the border opening.

And then what? Wireless is correct. Dems don’t want open borders, they just don’t believe as strongly in treating immigrants like garbage.