‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Uncanny, the nonstop boofery.

Screenshot from 2022-07-05 22-50-31

Imagine selling an assault rifle to this fucking dipshit and having no liability whatsoever. “I had no idea this guy might have a screw or twenty loose.”

wired earbuds red flag central





Can you feel the freedom?




It’s too bad police/the system weren’t empowered enough to just keep this guy arrested/committed/jailed/outside of society.

We’ll just need a mod to nuke his account.

Too soon?


Nah, I’m still not buying it. The entire crowd scrambled over what? A few cops yelling? Maybe. But I still think those cops drew down and possibly fired a few shots at something.

The video of the interviews:



I guarantee you that the father’s state of mind was something like:

“I was scared he might be gay because of the music videos and weird face tattoos and so when he wanted a gun, I thought, finally he is acting a red blooded alpha male American. I was just so happy when he wanted a gun. I thought he was getting better.”


But if they hadn’t been shot and killed they would have just died of something else. Chessmate libtard.

A small price to pay for FREEDOM on our INDEPENDENCE DAY! If you don’t like it, go back to where you came from. You think North Korea or CHIIINA is so much better?!


dude is like draped in trump flag and merch AND at rallys… and that laborman guy is all “we just can’t know, this is the dems fault for trying to link this to trump…” “i went to a bernie thing once…”

Our only hope is that these deranged Trump guys start taking their anger out on RINOs like DeSantis and his supporters once Trump is cheated out of the nomination. Make them actually fear for their lives and maybe they will care.


If there is gun violence that directly impacts politicians then that is more likely increase police budgets than it is to trigger (HA!) effective gun legislation.

Also threats to politicians will get used as an excuse to undermine democracy. Either there will be mandatory Republican appointed guards at every voting location to “protect” people from the threat of gun violence (or black people, whatever, same difference) or they will just cancel elections until they can figure out what the hell is going on with all these probably ANTIFA gunmen going around shooting politicians.

Steve Scalise ACTUALLY GOT SHOT and didn’t change his mind

Utterly hopeless


Hard to tell what’s true and what’s bullshit about him right now on Twitter, but apparently he once dressed up as this character. But that doesn’t really answer the question, it’s a chicken or the egg thing, did he do that cause he was obsessed with 47 or is that why he was obsessed with 47?