‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Kaitlyn Bennett, the Kent State girl.

Giving google a half point on this one - top link is for Kaitlyn, but only the third photo. First two are of Ms. Coulter.


The only possibility here is that she had at least one abortion herself and made the mistake of thinking she had to outwardly support what she inwardly supports. Lesson learned!

I’m not sure the “Lesson Learned” bar has been cleared until she becomes openly and vociferously pro-life. Is she? I can’t be arsed up to look.

Blissfully couldn’t even conjure up her name but definitely remember that story about her pooping her pants! She was already pretty fringey and while she probably could’ve thrived under Trump to some degree I think the poop story did her in. Also she wasn’t particularly attractive so harder to catch on.

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Apparently the 2nd amendment only applies to white people. Just like it did in 1787.


This would be a super easy thing Biden could do. Just go after every pot smoking gun buyer. There have to be millions of them. That is a lot of guns you could take away.

Probably wouldn’t be that popular, but IDGAF.

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This nails a ton of Black people. Do not want

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If done “correctly” it will nail them more or less proportionately to white people (i.e., percentage nailed should roughly equal percentage of population). As this is basically a theoretical exercise, I am stipulating that it is done correctly. I guess you might be correct that as a practical matter, that may not be possible.

haha cmon

afro americans report barely higher rates of substance use than their white counterparts and actually have lower than average substance use disorder rates

I think the larger point is that disarming the black population period is problematic for myriad reasons related to structural inequity.

The GTO application of this provision would be to disarm only whites.

It’s always going to nail a disproportionate amount of Black people no matter the rule because of the people who run it, so you would have to design a rule that hits almost no Black people.

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What policy proposal bluffs do we have to balance our range?

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That’s tough. There are so few that haven’t already been made by villains.

reparations, the deepest white fear

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mandatory CRT

Yeah, this is bizarro world. The dude seems like he is on the verge of seppuku.

Those police officers apparently all recieved the proper training just months before, and also violated their own policies regarding an active school shooting, btw. I know I’m grunching here.


Sales of JR-15 probably going to skyrocket now. Free advertising and by buying your kid one you get to stick it to the liberals.

These kiddie AR-15s belong on the battlefield, where it’s good and fun to shoot someone in the eye socket and watch their brains leak out.