‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Second result has it at 3.36%. Ehhh

They’ll never be able to reach trust level 3, to the lounge we go!

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even MLB players, notably mostly right wing, are starting to say something about gun violence.

It’s bleeding into rich areas so they can now be scared.



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At least the Philly cops absorbed some bullets like they were supposed to.

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What is RFC?

How have the feds not seized 4chan yet? Jesus Christ.

“We share these images not to glorify the suspect…”

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After these shooters are apprehended they shouldn’t ever get their name or image posted in the media. Just refer to them as “the terrorist”. There’s no need to know their name or what they look like

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Then the common folk will just assume they are not white and probably Muslim.

He was a trumper, flags and all.

Show their faces, show their names, and then show Ted Cruz praying for the victims.


If they would have shut that site down we probably have like 20 less mass shooters tbh.

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The implication from stories like these is that mass killers can somehow be stopped in advance by people who noticed they made a “violent” video. Of course, the problem is that there’s no law against violent videos. We all watch violent movies. It doesn’t seem likely we’re going to ban violence in media and art forms. So the suggestion is what? Lock people up in one of our very few mental health facilities when they do something freaky but legal? Wouldn’t a lot of people be fighting against that idea if it came to pass? Maybe we should consider reducing the access to high powered guns or no?

The Google news page, except real life.

Americans fleeing in terror from an active shooter with fireworks going off in the background is almost peak 'Merica.


That’s a pretty incredible video. The fact that this exact scene played out at multiple July 4th events is so dystopian. I guess maybe as thousands and thousands of people become directly affected by the trauma of these events there might be a very slight increase in the chance that actual reform is demanded by society. I know, I know, sweet summer child.

I don’t know, I heard that the shooter was a transgender ANTIFA. Sounds like we should focus on banning that instead of this WITCHHUNT against guns!



replies are ultra cringe

in case it wasn’t obvious we are completely fucked on this and it’s never changing, ever


No, you’re right. The number of guns can’t increase without limit. We just don’t know what that limit is, yet.