‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

serotonin reuptake inhibitor

we need to medically lobotomize these people

See if they had just installed a door to Main Street this would have been prevented. Ez game.

half-measures ain’t cuttin’ it

It’s not “too many guns” so of course the right wing is going to give it a go at some point.

Given our collective national PTSD over mass shootings, with crowds stampeding at the first loud noise, maybe fireworks shows aren’t the best idea.

Redacted for privacy.

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only people my ssri’s make me hostile towards are republicans


I don’t think anyone in this thread has mentioned this point. I don’t watch TV news. Are they mentioning it much?


Not sure on tv but yea I read it was Jewish and that was first thing I thought, seems likely Imo


I admit, I got a bit excited about the rich, white angle until I heard there were a lot of Jews there.

Well clearly it was video games 4chan. Time to regulate internet message boards. I hope they respect our RFC process.


Not exactly a well taken video, but seems like suspect made zero attempt to suicide by cop.

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I still remember trying to explain Gamergate to norrmies and why it was so terrifying/telling. It really was the bellweather that started us down the road to where we are now.

sadboi (plural sadbois) (Discuss this sense) (informal, neologism) A young man who is open about his emotions, especially his feeling sad about failed relationships and unrequited love, and channels his sadness artistically.

Fastwave is apparently fascist synthwave music

CatboyKami is an infamous white supremacist troll and NSFW streamer who gained significant attention on far-right internet communities after making a 10-hour live stream with Nick Fuentes, the founder of the so-called Groyper Army.

Bernie Sanders, “Holy shit, and I thought the Senate was a mess.”


54.4% of the people in Highland Park are religious:

  • 1.9% are Baptist
  • 0.8% are Episcopalian
  • 31.0% are Catholic
  • 3.2% are Lutheran
  • 1.5% are Methodist
  • 0.6% are Pentecostal
  • 1.6% are Presbyterian
  • 0.5% are Church of Jesus Christ
  • 8.9% are another Christian faith
  • 2.7% are Judaism
  • 0.1% are an eastern faith
  • 1.4% affilitates with Islam


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My mom has/had cousins who live in Highland Park (I say “had” because they are old and I honestly don’t know if they are alive/live there anymore), my father-in-law was from there, and I have cousins who live in a nearby suburb. Confirmed all Jewish, thus proving everything.

My experience is similar to dlk9s. I’ve got a friend from Deerfield (adjacent to Highland Park), who has told me that Deerfield is heavily Jewish. But I think what he meant is that there are more Jewish people per capita there than other Chicago suburbs. The absolute number may not be that high.

Looks like you’re getting that off a website that says Skokie is 1.1% Jewish.