‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Not often you see right-wing shitposters work in a multivariate calculus reference. Kind of impressed.


I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say this is false.

Arrest video.

NBC News really emphasizing this was an upscale neighborhood that could have been any town in America. Can hear the white angst just in the tone of the reporting.

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vince3 (1)

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Woke Yelp comin’ for dat azz:

Shooting during the Philly fireworks. Two cops reported shot. No other info. They have an overhead shot of the police all on one side of the cars with weapons drawn but no movement anywhere.

Likey(?) a couple of potshots from someone in a crowd. Doesn’t seem to be a mass event like Illinois.

Sigh. Wife is crying. Her best friend from college lives in Northbrook IL (very near highland Park) and is Jewish.

Feels like we are living in a nightmare that just won’t end.

If not antifa must be mental health.

Not sure if I did this meme right.

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You might be on to something with the fireworks hate.

Not sure how you could go to a fireworks display and not be worried you weren’t actually hearing the shots of a mass shooter. I’d spend more time looking around than looking up at the sky.


This shit is so bad I legitimately want to bail on this country. Absolutely fucking hopeless and zero realistic path to improvement.


Lol at ever leaving your house in USA#1. That shit’s for suckas.


That’s the first direct reference I’ve seen but it’s not surprising. I mean she could as easily have gone after vaccines or whatever.

I’ve heard it a couple of times. I assume it’s been workshopped but the NRA et al.

Since no one else is willing to say the obvious thing I’ll take it: the mom is a straight MILF.


Literally 0% chance mtg can describe what an ssri is or does.

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