‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

SSRI, anti-depressants, and ADHD medication being a psyop used to mind control white men into doing false flag shootings is a common Alex Jones talking point.


Thata a lot of non-religious. What percentage of those are secular jews?

Highland Park Mayor on Today Show: Gun was legally obtained. She was Crimo’s cub scout leader. Host mentions that his father ran against her for Mayor.

I know it’s supposed to be a small place, but damn. Still no info on the type of gun, which seemed a little strange from the beginning.

My grandfather-in-law used to live in Deerfield. My mom’s side of the family is from the Chicago suburbs - I have relatives buried in Skokie. I haven’t heard anything about any relatives who currently live in the area, so I assume nobody was there and everyone is ok.

Surely some kind of semi-auto rifle given how many rounds he was able to get off.


In addition to the gun - we need to know what bullets are used in these shootings. It sure would be nice to limit the sales of types that cause the most damage (we won’t).

If you or anyone you know tends to flip people off in traffic, don’t:


This is about 20 minutes north of where I live. Outlying Atlanta suburb.


Strange how reactions differ. One lady at the point of complete panic and the other calmly evaluating and planning.

College girlfriend was from Highland Park, confirmed Jewish.

July 4th is a fairly optimal day for a series of mass shootings under your theory of politics, no? Perhaps Christmas morning the only more effective time?

One of the responses to that tweet:

As a resident in the Woodstock area, no shock. There are way too many people who have access to cars, and believe they are untouchable and behave like there’s nothing that they can do wrong. Theres also people out there who have had enough of the entitlement and prove them wrong.

Every one of these incidents has tons of replies like this blaming anything and everything except guns. We really are fucked on this issue beyond repair.

How can you even live in the US without access to cars?

what in tarnation


You know what I believe most? Improbable stories told by cops. Especially ones that are about how risky their jobs are.


Definitely can’t live in Woodstock or suburban Atlanta without cars.

No arrests but miracles abound, god must have really been looking out for this cop


Did the guy forget his gun and decide to throw the bullet at the cop or something

He stuck a bullet in his hat
And called it a felony


lol “bullet hit his forehead” but was stopped by this magical piece of fabric. what a time to be alive.