‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



Lol. The parents love it. The fence is there to stay. There’s a guard as well. The police drill is going to happen at least once a year. I won’t be surprised if they bring in attack helicopters next year.

How could a bad guy ever defeat a fence? Unpossible.

Might make it easier to shoot kids trying to run away though.

My high school had open campus for lunch, and to this day still does. MA >>> CA

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@microbet, this is Mira Costa High, right? I’m surprised there wasn’t a backlash by the parents. I might have the wrong read on Manhattan Beach though - my impression was it was a pretty liberal, hippy place but I’m probably wrong.

My town IS liberal, granola crunchy hippy - I’d expect a major backlash if they did something like that here.

My firm is designing fencing for a few schools in a district north of us, but nothing as secure as a CMU block wall around the perimeter of the school. You don’t see that very often. Put some razor wire on top of it and you can use it as a prison during summer recess!

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MB is liberal compared to Texas, but not really liberal when it comes to NIMBY stuff or their precious babies.

My buddy is kind of a swarthy Italian married to a Columbian girl - his kid is kinda dark-skinned and apparently gets all kind of shade from rich white MB parents.

The old MB, when I had a kid in my life who was in the school, was mostly middle/upper-middle class families who just got rich when their houses quintupled. Most of the families with a little kid now have just bought a $3M house and are gonna be straight up rich.

No we are not gonna do the what is rich argument. :p

I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about, it appears like you might have jumped in halfway through the conversation and inserted your opinion without understanding the context as usual. We’re discussing whether a lack of manifesto should be the key metric that determines whether we can blame a shooting on political rhetoric or not.

Wtf yourself. Quote where I said anything that implies I disagree with micro’s statement or fuck off.

You are out in the sticks though, right?

My HS in Oregon had open campus for lunch for seniors only.

Up until about a year ago I know that my kids’ HS was officially open, but kids went to the local restaurants for lunch routinely - it was effectively open. Times are changing for the worse.

MB is rich liberal (conservative really aside from a few things) - not hippy at all. Neighboring Hermosa Beach is a bit hippy, but not like Venice/Santa Monica, much less like Santa Cruz. And like Suzzer says, times have changed. I rent a house, well below market price, that was bought by my wife’s parents for $35k when she was a little kid. Less than a third of the houses on my block are original, the rest being torn down and houses 4 times as big put up.

Some ammo for arguing with deplorables:

For those who say assault weapons bans don’t work - that shooters will just get the illegal guns anyway - when was the last mass shooting with a fully automatic machine gun?

And for those who say it’s not about the gun - so should we make machine guns legal as well?

The Gannet (USA Today) building in McLean, VA (outside DC) has been evacuated due to reports of a man with a weapon. Police are responding. A reporter at the CBS station in DC is tweeting than an FBI source tells him it’s not a shooting.

This is starting to become a near-daily event.

I think this one is going to be either a false alarm or a guy who went in with a gun seeking a specific person/people but never opened fire.

But I keep thinking in the back of my mind that it could be someone attempting to create a softer target by getting everyone lined up/grouped up outside. I’m sure the authorities have that in mind though and are taking precautions.

Armed police response was around the grounds with full gear.

One of the reasons i think this won’t be an active shooter situation is that there are a gazillion reporters there and I haven’t seen any tweets/reports of gunfire. So I’m hoping that this time we can fade a mass killing with thoughts, prayers and dumb luck.

No, my HS was (well, still is) right in the middle of the city. Granted, it’s a small city, but it’s still a city. Five lanes of traffic out front, multiple fast food and pizza joints close enough to walk to, eat at and walk back from during lunch break.

There’d be no point of having open campus for lunch if it was in the sticks. Where would the kids go?

Looks like it was a false alarm in McLean, thank God. In before right wing decries the “FAKE NEWS WITH FALSE ALARM!!!”

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A few years before I got to HS, they’d let people leave for lunch. By the time I got there, not only could you not leave, you couldn’t even walk out to your car even to get a book you left in it that morning. They also got rid of the smoking tree right before I got there

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Fairly low turnout of protestors in Dayton, but it was short notice and the middle of the day and it is Ohio, after all. We’ll see if El Paso can do better.

Thats what ive always done. Most that have not thought about it much and dont really care about guns will realize they have a line in the sand with automatics and its not far from mine. It even helps if you have a gun enthusiast in the room who wants automatics less restricted since the more sane ones will turn on their supposed allies. Ive gotten trump supports to tell other trump supporters fuck it just melt them all.