‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


That’s crazy. I was eating a blizzard at that Dairy Queen just today. It’s about a quarter mile from that intersection.

Immediately after this post.

“View two hidden replies”

No thanks. I’m good.

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Maybe this should be pulled into a new discussion, but I re-flagged this post. I’m not sure how Discourse works for mods to discuss a post back and forth, or if community consensus has been reached on how we’re moderating here, so I didn’t want to moderate it myself and the flag from someone else ended up being ignored by another mod (apparently once one mod ignores it, it goes away for all?). Anyway, I think this should be brought up for discussion in terms of where we’re drawing lines.

Given that most of us are of the opinion that dehumanizing people leads to violence, and rhetoric like Trump’s talk of “infestation” is part of it, this post seems worthy of moderation IMO.

I don’t mean to single out NotBruceZ in that discussion, this is actually the second post from two different users that I’ve had a problem with and others don’t. I hope we all strive to keep the level of discourse here as high as possible.

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Me either though admittedly my eyes glaze over at times and he’s just off-base here afaict, insisting on unnecessary precision.

We could use a lot more of her matter of fact manner from our leaders, imo. I don’t know if she’s always like this but she seems cool.

I had typed up a response to nunnehi, but was reading the rest of the thread and got to this and decided to trash it.


I have mixed feelings on this. This wasn’t an active shooter situation, and nothing indicates that it was a random shooting, nor does anything indicate that it was specifically targeted. Also, nobody died. So those are the reasons that it was not covered much, not because the victims were black. I think my track record on issues of racial justice is reasonably good, although I’m always trying to stay aware and keep learning… But I just don’t think that’s what went on here.

As for addressing this type of gun violence, I think there’s a feeling on the left that if we can’t even get the GOP to help us block people on the terror watch list from buying guns or to do anything about assault weapons to prevent mass shootings, trying to address gun violence like this via gun control is just nowhere near politically feasible. We can only do so by trying to improve communities from the ground up (education and economic opportunities).

I was the one who reported the post. Way over the line imo. Actually kind of disturbing.

I agree. Same mod just ignored my re-flagging of it. I sent a PM to the mod, we’ll see where it goes and how others feel, I guess.

Edited to add: Said mod just didn’t know that hitting “ignore” made the decision for everyone. They thought ignoring it just removed the notification icon from their screen to let other mods decide.

Yea I don’t get the Nunnehi hate either. He can be annoying at times but aren’t we all? God knows I am LOL. You have posters like npc who flat out admit they are trolling and gaslighting yet nothing happens. Yea, he’s totes a Bill Clinton loving liberal that just can’t understand why people hate guns and don’t want the freedom that guns provide even if a few thousand people die along the way for no reason other than hate.



(the other side of the hat has RIP Tyler Skaggs on it)

Also, his player’s weekend nickname this year is “Who.” :star_struck:

Sorry for the slight derail, but I see Joey Votto, I upvote


I think nunnehi is in the right place. Just would be better with 25% less replies and 25% less words

And 25% less righteous indignation.

But I like nunnehi overall, even though we argue a lot, and I think he’s a good person to have in the mix.

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And yet it won’t occur to these NRA gun nutters that he’s using their fees and donations to pay for his home.


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If you’re thinking of eco-fascism, that isn’t isn’t green leftist stuff or eco-terrorism. Eco-fascism basically is the white-supremacist thought/justification that the earth can’t support everybody so the non-whites have got to go.

If this is a How To Talk To Idiots post then it’s very good.

If not, it’s very, very bad

srsly wtf d10

Lol us tax law and “non profits”