‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Everyone in that school was under threat and we don’t need to qualify it as immediate when the cops took forever to act.

I’m still not persuaded that permitting parents into the fray is an unqualifiable positive. It seems much easier to criticize ~everything else police did apart from trying to limit civilians from entering the threatened zone.

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In general no, so they don’t get in the way of the cops doing their jobs. However when the cops’ thumbs smell like their shit…


I get it: the cops did nothing and should have taken action. An unarmed parent entering into that dangerous of an environment is just asking to get mowed down.

In the duration of the shooter’s time on campus did he move from classroom to classroom? If he would have left the initial classroom was he going to get taken out by cops outside of it? What exactly was the threat to a child in a different classroom if the answer to these first two questions are no and yes?

I’m not asking these questions rhetorically, but it is my understanding that the answers are no and yes.

I don’t blame the cops for not wanting to go into that classroom to face an active shooter with an AR-15. That shit would be insanely scary. Those cops probably have families that they want to be able to go home to at the end of the day, rather than being killed and having their body shattered to bits by a weapon of war. So I don’t blame them for being afraid to go in.

However! You cannot be in favor of no gun regulations, freedom for easy access to these fucking weapons, and all about back the blue. Talking about how important it is to support cops because they risk their lives everyday to protect us and then excuse these cops actions.


Not only should you blame the cops but you’d also be a giant pos and a worthless human being (lots of people) for not going in.

You had others more than willing to enter without any body armor or weaponry of any kind. The police had all the gear needed to massively reduce the risk of death for one dude carrying a rifle. They didn’t go in because they were sociopaths with no empathy for human life. They weren’t afraid.


That’s a fair argument. I’m willing to excuse anyone who didn’t go in for that reason though. No one should ever have to face an AR-15 outside of a military setting. (And honestly I wish they just didn’t exist)

We probably shouldn’t make them so accessible.

They were militarized

I definitely get the whole " tough guy with a gun says he would save the world from the baddies but wouldn’t actually do it" shtick … but they didn’t go in because they didn’t care enough to do so.

They were loaded and their risk of death was much lower than you think it was. I stand by that.


They didn’t have a black cop to send in first and soak up the bullets? This is why the police need to be more diverse in hiring.

That’s a bad thing.

Seems like ~everyone on right wing Twitter is pissed off at the cowardly cops here. They’re having their yearly cup of libertarian tea, and decidedly not backing the blue on this one.

Of course everyone else is also criticizing Arredondo and the cops here as well for acting wrong at almost every (or every) turn.

Yes, that would have been dumb. But people apparently can’t distinguish between the threat level of some dude running in with a gun and ehat the police had with them. They were overwhelmingly protected and had a redic advantage going even without the gear.

Not America but obviously another mass shooting targetting a minority, will be interesting to see what comes of this in another country, hopefully something although I’m sure they already have laws 1000000x tighter than even US gun control advocates could have a wet dream about.

‘Oslo shooting being investigated as terrorism’

The headline itself demonstrates the difference, not ‘ Oslo shooting being investigated as a mental health issue’ or ‘ Oslo shooting being investigated as loner who was bullied issue’.


“Oslo mass shooting at nightclub being investigated as possible error in the architectural design of nightclub doors.”


This one might be justified.


Was a Muslim perpetrator though wasn’t it? Feel like US would froth calling that terrorism.