‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Just a great way to settle disputes

Just another day in America.

A 24-year-old employee was shot in front of her 5-year-old son and is now in critical condition.

Couple of dudes shot dead in Phoenix in a supposed home invasion. They were lying out in the street when the cops showed up. I’m a little skeptical.

Meh. Seems reasonable enough. People frequently are able to run for 10s or so after getting shot

…at least she wasn’t shot by her son.


Was there something wrong with their doors?

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These chairs were set up in anticipation of watching a parade today. The parade was cancelled because another parade 6-7 miles away got shot up. Took me a couple hours to hear about it, though I attribute that more to my media bubble than to no one caring.



Reports are two dead, multiple injured, shooter was on a roof with a semi-automatic rifle, fired at least 10-12 shots, then climbed down and got away and remains at large.

A mass shooting on Independence Day? What could be more American, right?


I don’t even know what to say, the band on the float doesn’t know it’s a shooting so they’re still playing, it’s Titanic-esque, then the music almost makes it feel like a Curb episode or something. The scene is so surreal I laughed and was like wait, that’s not a comedy show, that’s real life, those are terrified people running from yet another mass shooting as a clueless band - perhaps in peril too - plays on. Fuck if that’s not as American as it gets.



this wouldn’t have happened if the band members’ instruments had been outfitted with machine guns. chessmate libtards

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“Only” 6 dead

Also wtf does completely random mean

A rifle was recovered from the scene, he said. He said the attack appears to be “completely random” and the suspect appeared to shoot from a roof. O’Neill advised people to shelter in place.

It means they think a white guy did it

(seriously though - I think they mean a shooter wasn’t targeting anyone specifically)

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The shooter getting away would be kind of a new angle that we don’t get very often.

This is the single most depressing thread on the internet for me. Nothing makes me 50% as mad as this issue. Imagine trying to explain this shit to someone coming fresh to the issue.

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