‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Yeah certainly not that it’s ridiculous to arm teenagers with military grade assault rifles and expect human beings to charge into that w/o concern for their own lives. That lesson cannot be learned.

Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer were jailed for a year for much less.



They could have gone in at any time, if anyone had actually tried to

Isn’t a door that can’t be locked from the inside another one of those things we’re not supposed to do anymore in the age of school shooters?

Let’s give them all medals and a few billion more dollars. USA! USA! USA!

Yes, all doors should be able to be locked from the inside.

How much time is left on the clock?

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Finally found a cop who tried to rush the shooter

Texas Department of Public Safety Director Col. Steven McCraw revealed that the husband of slain elementary teacher Eva Mireles tried to save her…

Ruben Ruiz is a police officer for the school district and was on the scene after the gunman entered the school and opened fire.

McCraw said Mireles called Ruiz and told him that “she had been shot and was dying.”

“And what happened to him, is he tried to move forward into the hallway,” McCraw said. “He was detained and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene.”


“locked from the inside” needs more clarification

If I understand it correctly, the doors in this school auto locked upon closing. There is no lock on the inside. There is a key hole on the outside, so someone can unlock from the outside (but only with the key). But if you are inside, then you can just exit by turning the knob (i.e. there is no lock/unlock mechanism on the inside).

I suppose this technically doesn’t qualify as locked from the inside, but I think it is just as good.

Yes, it’s code that those doors have to have to have free egress. In this case, they auto locked, but otherwise you can lock the door from the inside so you can’t ingress from the exterior side, but you can always exit from the classroom, regardless of locking status.

ETA: I was under the impression that the exterior doors auto locked when closed, not the classroom doors but I didn’t look very deeply into it.

I think it was both, but not 100% sure.

I guess the question is if the interior doors locked upon closing, how did the shooter get in to the classroom?

They believe the outside door and classroom door auto locks malfunctioned.

I just assumed that the doors weren’t closed when he entered the school. Some of the rooms did have closed doors before he got to the room, and he couldn’t get in, so it sounds like in those cases he shot out the windows in the doors and then shot through those doors, but he never entered those rooms.

Not 100% sure on this either.

They were probably locked but the cops probably made a deal with the shooter that they would unlock them if he just stuck to shooting kids instead of them.

They originally said teacher propped door open with a rock and that’s how he got in. Cops changed the story after they realized there was video. Teacher kicked rock away called 911 and shut door after hearing shooting. Exterior doors were supposed to auto lock. There are some articles talking about it.

Man, imagine the amount of fucked up shit we would see if we could view all of the police actions for the last decade.

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Yeah, I think we all agree on that.

The question is how did he get into classrooms after he got in.

If some of the doors were open that would explain it.

If he doors were closed, then he would have just have to keep trying doors until he found a defective lock, that’s pretty unlucky for whoever was in the room with defective doors.

It’s a pretty fucked up locked-room murder mystery when it turns out the door was never locked.