‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


In Salt Lake something being unloaded on a landing at the Capitol made a bang. Kid in front of me asked his dad what it was. All the gun talk made him anxious.

I don’t think the group here was that big but we did rate a news helicopter. A couple of black ladies, teachers from Texas out doing tourist stuff, got caught up in the flow of all the white people and joined us for the walk up to the Capitol. They weren’t thrilled about the hike up the hill on State Street but seemed to enjoy the attention and goodwill.

Started at the local high school.

Ended up inside the Capitol. Never been in the building before. The kid with the backpack at the podium was the first speaker. It was hard to hear so Idk if she was talking about her experience with drills in her school or an actual shooting.


The politicians will wait this out but at least I got my exercise in today.


They did something (but it’s actually mostly nothing)!

Senators strike bipartisan gun deal, heralding potential breakthrough


Seems pretty weak

This is trash, arguably worse than nothing. Completely worthless party.

Sorry kid, you’ll have to wait a couple more years before I can sell you this Bud Light, but can I interest you in a mass murder machine instead? ‘Murca.

Its just a stupid fucking “harden our schools” bill.

Fuck everything so much

Guess it’s way easier to harden a school than it is to harden the gun buying process.

Can the 2nd amendment be interpreted to cover ammo as well, or could we ban ammo without infringing on the right to bare arms? Does bare do the lifting for ammo?


Under the tentative deal, a federal grant program would encourage states to implement “red flag” laws

Amazing. They’re going to encourage states to do this instead of doing it federally!

And this part is tricky…

while federal criminal background checks for gun buyers under 21 would include a mandatory search of juvenile justice records for the first time.

It almost sounds like everyone under 21 gets a background check but if you read it closely they just beefed up the existing background checks slightly by including juvenile records. No psych evaluations.

But hey, more good guys with guns! So those hallway circle jerks can get even bigger.

Other provisions could funnel billions of new federal dollars into mental health care and school security programs, funding new campus infrastructure and armed officers.

Hopefully the mental health stuff is at least good. I say hopefully because it sounds like this is basically the GOP “solution” to mass shootings, the compromise is the GOP doing part of what they want while giving Dems a trivial “win” on background checks that doesn’t actually change much of anything. And given that the GOP solution on the mental health side is probably just throwing the mentally unwell into detention centers, I want to see that part of this before trusting that it’s treatment focused and not just more conservative assholery.

Yeah it closes the issue before the election. It’s cowardly by Dems. They should say behind closed doors something like, “Fine! You guys win, we’ll pass your bill that we think won’t work but hey we hope so, but in exchange for passing your bill while we have the trifecta, we demand up or down votes on single line bills to ban AR-15s, make the age 21, ban guns for terrorists and the mentally ill. That’s the price for getting your bill while we have power, you have to vote down our bills.”

More money for cops and maybe some mental health stuff, what a joke.

Always, no matter how bad their behavior or performance, more money for cops. Literally 100% of the time.

Don’t forget to vote blue no matter who this November!


Totally normal stuff at an arts and crafts show in OK



Maybe the plan is to buy so many guns for the good guys that it prices the bad guys out of the market.

Biden should veto it.

Although, if that happened, it would probably be taken back up and passed with a veto-proof majority.

Vote (or Back The) Blue. They’ve merged. George Floyd (and thousands of others) died in vain.

That is the most stereotypically Democrat bill ever.

Gives like 10% of what is needed and ultimately does more harm than good in the long run.


Rs will quickly reverse the stuff they don’t like and keep the pro cop stuff.

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It surprisingly really isn’t that difficult to make homemade ammo, especially shotgun shells. I’d be fine with a gun ban tbh because I probably got enough shit to last me for the rest of my life - although I rarely go shooting anymore, and when I have it’s been clay shooting. And it would make the country safer.