‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I did get a little spooked last night - I do actually start to share angryqueer’s concerns he posed way upthread about mentally ill possibly being rounded up and/or monitored by the state out of fear of this crap. I’m trying to figure out what to do about it - when I was 19 I was 51-50’d by a negligent therapist, because I had innocently told her I had suicidal ideation in a little too much detail. That falls off after 7 years or so, but I’m pretty sure you can go look it up still. It didnt prevent me from getting anything serious like a US Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Officer endorsement, but going forward, I think stuff like that will cause people big problems that honestly are zero danger to anyone else.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Jmakinmeangry vol. 2: More debauchery, less idiocy


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Oh good


The police need more funding, more training, more officers and most of all, more understanding and compassion.

Because why have 17 useless assholes jerking each other off in the hallway during the next school shooting when you can have 50?


They didn’t have enough cops to stop all the parents


So the idea that the police thought everyone in the room was killed so they waited for backup turns out to be false. They knew people were still alive in the room, including an officer’s wife, but waited until ballistic shields could be obtained



Non paywall. A lot of details in this I hadn’t seen yet. I still wonder why they couldn’t shoot at the shooter through the classroom windows. I assume there’s a good reason.

That would fly directly in the face of the “broken windows” doctrine of law enforcement




lol George Will is sitll alive

I remember going over articles in history class from different political viewpoints and having to discuss them. Was probably the most memortable and in hindsight the most vital class I took in history. It was Will, William Buckley, and I think Eleanor Clift.

I’m off to march. Feels almost pointless tbh.


Have fun storming the castle.


Turns out my sister was less than a half mile away from where the mass shooting occurred in Philly.

She and her friends have said they’re afraid to go out to the city at night.

My other sister is 3 months pregnant with her first child. What timing.

Silly goose. Only 3 were killed and it was crossfire. Not really a mass shooting. Or so I’ve been told. Sort of dying with mass shooting but not from mass shooting.

I’m glad they’re ok and sorry they were scared. My old apartment was about 1.5 miles away from the shooting. In the context of living in Philly, this actually seems more frightening than an active mass shooter randomly targeting people, which is scary but can happen somewhat randomly anywhere in America. Generally the violent crime has historically stayed out of the safer areas of the city, but that clearly wasn’t the case on this one.

That was the thing she emphasized. That it was in a normally safe area of the city rather than an area more familiar with violent crime.