‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

What are the “mental health problem” people doing to help if they won’t support gun laws? Are they pushing for more mental health support? Or proposing to lock up people on meds?

They’re waiting for the fervor to die down so that nothing will be done.


Combination of locking people up and appearing to do something/care. Appealing to both the Trump and Romney wings.

But mostly taking knees with a huge lead late in the 4th.

One proposal I saw (Cornyn iirc) that’s not really mental health, but could be spun as keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys was to include sealed juvenile records in the background check system. It’s basically the perfect R proposal b/c it probably won’t impact gun access for the most rabid 2A people, and if D’s oppose it (based on the general principle that juvenile records should be sealed combined with some arguments about racial disparities in the criminal justice system), the R’s can say that they tried to compromise but soft on crime D’s wanted to coddle criminals.

It’s also a government invasion of privacy that libertarians won’t mind because none of them have any children.

You’re going to find this hard to believe, but it’s not a mental health issue.


oh thank god i love that takes like this exist. thank you

it’s complicated i think - i think there’s more an illness of culture than the individual, these kids are literally online fantasizing so hard about going out in a blaze of glory and they lack any kind of empathy about how they do it. i dont know how to describe how that is happening en masse other than there is some malicious malicious domestic terrorism training going on.

it is quite irritating (imo) how mental illness is so often correlated with violence. i participate in a lot of support groups these days and ive never come across a single person that ever even smelled a little bit of doing harm to anyone at all.



With school shootings specifically, though, mental health problems are prominent.

But like all other things related to mental health, the public discourse about this will be all wrong. For starters, the normal simple Bayesian logic mistake comes up all the time. Most school shooters have psychological issues, but also most people with those psychological issues do not become school shooters. People with mental health problems should get treatment because they are sick, not so that we can figure out which ones are about to shoot up a school.

But Gov. Abbott hasn’t just failed to expand access to health coverage; he has actively cut it. In April he slashed $211 million from the Department of Health and Human Services and redirected it to border security, and this despite the fact the state has a record surplus, in part from federal funding allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimated that in 2016 there were more than 400,000 uninsured Texans with mental illnesses or substance use disorders who would be eligible for Medicaid if the state expanded it. The same report showed that Texans with insurance were 50 percent more likely to receive treatment for mental illness or substance use disorders than those who were uninsured. Treating behavioral health conditions reduces unemployment and criminal justice costs.

What are they praising about the shooter? The fact that the kids were hispanic? Or attacks on schools that are grooming and pushing CRT? Or some other insanity? I don’t have it in me to research myself.

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I doubt there’s any coherent ideology. There are a lot of people who simply want death and destruction. There’s really not much more to it than that.

this is an extremely weird graphic to me. You see support rising among republicans in the wake of the buffalo shooting, which kind of confuses me because it’s a direct result of the violent rhetoric being spread on their mainstream networks and they gobble that shit up. Was that a sign of… remorse? self awareness?

and then even more weirdly an arguably more shocking and horrific tragedy happens and they change their minds again? wtf is going on?

It takes time for them to absorb their talking points from Fox News. They follow their instincts until overridden by what they’re told the response should be, which came faster after Uvalde.


I don’t want to go look at the stuff, but it’s not uncommon for school shooters to have some complexes where they admire prior violent actors. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are whole online forums where these kinds of people now gather together to egg each other on and celebrate when one of them acts on their impulses.

Another possibility is that there is a bunch of chatter in run of the mill conservative misinformation centers, of which there are many. Someone could easily make up a narrative that Uvalde was actually a secret Disney/Democrat trans pedophile facility and the alleged shooter was killed while trying to rescue kids. That kind of thing would become an accepted truth for a big percentage of the conservative conspiracy crowd. It even explains why the Good Guy Cops didn’t try to engage the shooter, they knew he was one of the good guys!

My guess is that a lot of ‘praising’ is some form of edge lord meme shitposting.

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Except for the posters who take it seriously, and dream of being the next subject of edgelord shitposting on the same site.

lots of it yea. and I also think more than a little bit bots/trolls. I think these kids for the most part have no real social or support networks and are desperate to belong somewhere. this makes them ripe targets for lone wolf propaganda and psyop campaigns by state enemies. I see it all over the fkn place even in legit channels and I dont even monitor these places anymore.

it goes unnoticed by the dipshit media and even law enforcement because they speak in complex constantly changing slang, memes, and subtleties. But when you got a lot of kids like this that are angry and alone and maybe dealing with some personal crap, and you throw them into a group with a bunch of other kids like that, and they see shooters being praised by their “peers” - that’s a powerful drug for a lonely angry kid to throw in front of them. Especially when almost all of them feel cheated somehow by life.

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