‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

one day? this is some weird journalistic ethics thing?

Guttenberg (his daughter was killed at Parkland) isn’t a journalist. I think he’s just saying Gaetz is a coward and doesn’t have the balls to repeat what he said when he thought no one was listening.

why doesn’t fred just describe what gaetz said at the time

Probably scared of lawsuits if he doesn’t have proof.

Or he does have proof but wants Gaetz to deny it first. Idk obviously.

i predict this will end badly, in that federal agencies are going to get more powers because of this threat, and those powers will get abused

He probably would have gotten farther if he’d gone after Kavanaugh’s kids’ school(s).

Follow-up on the Tempe cops letting the guy drown.


Just tough luck for the dead guy there weren’t any civilians around to help.

i’m guessing charitably (not really sure why, probably a defense mechanism when faced with racism) that tempe lake and a canal do not pose the same drowning threat, at least to the cops, and perhaps it wasn’t the same squad of cops in the two instances.

ugh… still absolutely disgusted

Black dog. See no racism. Chessmate libtards!


The would-be Kavanaugh assassin is a zoomer

Not my first guess

You’re the real racist because you noticed the dog was black. Double chess mate.


I suspect that the “with the help of civilians” is doing a lot of heavy lifting for those cops.

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I don’t think it’s the same cops. Tempe is fair-sized and there are a lot of canals, including a few near Tempe Town Lake. They’ve put in some work to make the paths along the sides walkable. People near them probably means someone gets in trouble fairly often.

As a kid they always told us never to swim in the canals and there are occasional drownings. The depth varies from a few feet to quite a bit more. The flow can be swift at times, and the sides are sloped but slippery. Sometimes we played in the irrigation ditches. The canals always scared the shit out of me.

If you look at the pic I think ol’ Salty Thompson on the right was the civilian hero. Got skinned up a little and took a lot more water than the cops. Looks like the canal in the background only has a few feet of water in it so probably only the dog was ever in much danger.

I couldn’t make it all the way through this article, nor the embedded video with the girl describing how she covered herself in blood to stay alive.

Fuck every congressperson straight to hell who can listen to this and do nothing.


bold thumbnail choice beto

The cops have a black friend.



it felt like i kinda predicted this a little bit and i looked and i sorta did

eta: HAH I had even bookmarked it.