‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The strategy is always run out the clock. The news cycle churns and the public moves on. Except for Uvalde, which will be devastated for generations.

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If only Dems could ignore abortion, inflation, and whatever the next issue is and stay focused on guns.

Because then the truth about all these false flag operations might come to light

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Who could have possibly seen it coming




Welp, the GOP controls the senate, so that’s just the way it goes.


This has been the playbook since 2008 and the Democrats still keep falling for it. Paying attention is a mental disorder


Going to sound odd but good. So many times in these 'kid finds weapon that wasn’t secured and shoots their family member on accident" it just gets marked down as a tragedy, nothing could be done, no one will be charged.

If the mother had been white, no one would have been charged.




“With individuals who are younger in age, committing these attacks, we think — and this is something we’re still looking at — access to content online is really fueling those personal grievances and often inaccurate misperceptions about current events,” a senior homeland security official told reporters during a briefing this week. “It’s really difficult for younger individuals to navigate the internet and understand what is considered to be credible information that they’re consuming.”

Older individuals too.

Among the conspiracy theories inspiring grievances is an unfounded notion of “great replacement” or “white genocide” that falsely claims, “minorities, multiculturalists, and a ruling elite are deliberately threatening the existence of the white race,” according to the bulletin.

The “racist, anti-Black, and anti-Semitic” sentiment and longtime source of terror resurfaced in public dialogue after fueling a series of mass shootings, including the attack in Buffalo, New York, that killed 10 people at a supermarket in the city’s predominantly Black east side.

The accused gunman posted online that shoppers he targeted came from a culture that sought to “ethnically replace my own people.”

“The alleged 2019 attacker at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas cited similar grievances and inspiration for the attack, and both the Buffalo and El Paso attackers indicated they were inspired by the 2019 attacker of two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand,” DHS cautioned in its latest National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) bulletin, reiterating its concerns about ideological beliefs that prompt copycat attacks.

In 2018, a gunman who in an online screed had blamed Jewish people for allowing immigrant “invaders” into the United States shot and killed 11 worshipers at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

I know that limiting access to guns is the easy solution, and should absolutely be done. And I feel like some here don’t want to address the problem of these kids inspiring and feeding off each other via the internet, because it might give right-wingers ammo to point to something other than guns.

But I disagree. Talking about this will force the conversation to address that these are mostly right-wing nutjobs inspired by great replacement theory. The right absolutely will never want to go there if it means acknowledging the shit Tucker Carlson espouses is inspiring these killers, which is why the left should try to push the issue into the public dialog imo.

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i tried to have a pretty serious convo w my reasonably intelligent little bro and the gist of it was him being insanely cocky about a factoid i knew was wrong and he was completely convinced of it because it came from google. i felt like i fell way short in explaining how google isn’t going to give you credible sources a lot of time, and even then, the credible ones you still need to evaluate critically,

felt like i fell way short and i got very sad because we do not come close to teaching critical thinking til like, college, and even then it’s done quite poorly. i dont know why critical thinking is so undervalued in our society. if these kids had the tools to identify bullshit propaganda, it’d at least help a little bit

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For the most part it’s actively discouraged, institutionally, for obvious reasons.


I thought this was an interesting innovation. If you click the 3 vertical dot thing, you get this now



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Now I know how to do sign language for silence.

He’s doing a good job. Too bad few will see this. I agree with him this time feels different.

I tried to watch McConaughey and made it about two minutes, more power to anyone who lasts longer.

It’s uncomfortable to watch. Part of it is his presentation and part of it is the fact that he’s an actor; his cadence and emphasis and hand gestures and so on. I think that’s fine. We need to be uncomfortable and make people uncomfortable. Like the guy who asked McConaughey if he was grandstanding-- that guy might not have enjoyed the show but it effected him.


You gotta pump those numbers up.