‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Boomers with guns and dreams of being A Real Man and taking out a Bad Guy.

Hence the need to steal one. How else are you going to exercise with Jane Fonda?

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Makes me think of that classic line from Crazy Joe Devola in Seinfeld-

‘you left your door open’

‘I know. I like to encourage intruders’


I’d have no issue with what you are saying if you are generalizing burglaries from a 30,000ft view. I was taking the OPs story at face value so I wouldn’t agree when you say that it could be the very common situation that their child suddenly multiplied, grew up a snuck back into their house. Those would all have been my guesses had we known nothing about what had actually happened but just based on the statistics as a whole. But as the story was told I, don’t fully agree that looking for electronics this way was any more likely than kidnapping which is what I thought I wrote. It isn’t a common situation to begin with.

No one should be shot for petty theft, but man at some point you win silly prizes when you play silly games.



When I was in HS, there was a kid on my team whose little cousin was almost kidnapped. In the middle of the night, a man had snatched her from her upstairs bedroom and was on his way downstairs with her. My teammate’s uncle was a marksman and was ready to shoot the guy, but the dog bit him first, causing him to let go of the girl and flee.

More police just doing police things.


wonder if a firefighter would have stood by while a guy drowns?

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Comparing cops to firefighters is what will fucking piss them off.

My dad was a cop and was always shitting on firefighters half tongue-in-cheek, half not. Going firefighters >>>> cops is a great way to fuck with them.

As for this drowning, I wonder what the water was like or how high the bridge was. With a more detailed video, we could see exactly what the cops would have to risk.

Not very high bridge. In a reservoir, so no current to deal with:

I’m not sure. I know it’s hard to do without training. Mostly because the danger is the person who’s panicking will try and hold the rescuer under water to keep their own above water, but they did teach us how to do it in Boy Scouts so take that for what it’s worth.


South Street is a popular place to walk around and shop. Always crowded.

Doesn’t sound like a random shooting. 2-5 dudes got in a beef. Seems most of the people shot were victims of crossfire, not that this is any comfort.

Spouse and I are planning to see a band this Wednesday on South St, two blocks from where that shooting happened. He’s actually afraid to go now, but I still wanna go. The city in general has a shit ton of violence right now.

Still had to chuckle at this part because philly gonna philly:

officers initially deployed to the South Street area were pulled to Citizens Bank Park due to a brawl that happened after the Phillies game.

A game they won in the bottom of the 9th.

This is a pretty morbid calculus, but probably one of the safest places to be is the location of a recent shooting. It would be very typical policing / municipal policy to make an area more secure after a high profile event.

Re: the Tempe drowning. The lake is about 16 feet deep. Fishing and boating are allowed but the water is pretty nasty. I wouldn’t want to go in after this guy either unless I was trained in water rescue. But if they thought he might go in they should have called for help from somebody more capable of dealing with this kind of thing. There’s a fire station half a mile away. They probably deal with stuff on the lake fairly often.

The lake is on the Salt River, which was usually dry going through Tempe before this lake was put in. Unless there was flooding, which didn’t happen often. It was weird to see actual water in the river. And it was a pain because a lot of ASU parking would disappear.



Why not raise the age to 125?

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It’s infuriating to see this and think, “well that’ll work for them, because it has always worked,” then scroll down and see Dem Sen. Chris Murphy saying that background checks and an assault weapons ban are off the table from the start and realize, “it’s still working”

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