‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Police took 3 hours to enter Pulse Nightclub. Another group of people they are used to policing instead of protecting.


The “good guy with a gun” argument should have died forever in the 2016 Dallas shooting.

And yet, it didn’t.

It doesn’t matter if these arguments are debunked. People will make them anyway.

They had tactical gear. The talking point should be it still didn’t matter – a pimply faced kid with a freely available military grade weapon was able to keep a whole police force trained and equipped for this very event stuck shitting their pants. The root issue should be obvious–its the military weapons available to anyone with a pulse.

Not that it won’t still get distorted, but everything gets spun and distorted.

Similar to the 50-year history of police reform implementation that every anti-defund person refuses to educate themselves on


I think someone asked a while back about the 2% who own all the guns or whatever. Here you go.

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Man that is so foreign to me as a New Jerseyian. I would absolutely hate to live in a state like that.

Well, you may soon. You’ve got to fade SC making all gun restrictions illegal. Also didn’t Murphy only barely win? If things keep heading in that direction, maybe you guys will do it to yourselves.

Michigan is an open carry state but I have never seen that even in the rural parts. The lone exception is that on some occasions guys hold 2A rallies and storm through a town with rifles across their back like that in a show of force. Usually the most you get is some wanna be cowboy with a pistol. Most of the nutters here concealed carry.

The presence of undocumented immigrants is proof that border patrol is useless, since it doesn’t stop 100% of them.

This whole thing with the propped open door that the teacher closed, but police decided to omit that fact would be hilarious if this whole thing wasn’t so tragic.

Whoever predicted that the first story out of the cops’ mouths would be lies, severely underestimated. It’s at least the first 2-3 stories, and probably more

How can you tell when a cop is lying?

His mouth is moving

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This bop was written about police. Or at least that the story im going with.

You followed a sentence starting with these words with a Meghan Trainor video.

Go sit in a corner and think about what you’ve done.

Lol guess I should have added the (/s) tage after bop. I’ll go to time out.

i live in a city in the deep red, i dont see the rifles that often, but i bet i see 1 handgun every single grocery store trip.

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Good lord, I’ve only seen a handgun in a grocery store once. The South is like an entirely different planet.


It’s almost like we take the worst possible scenario captured on social media and amplify it, not only in forums, but also in our minds to simplify our thought processes and judgements.

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Feels like a million years ago when posters here were saying you should be treated with respect and an open mind.