‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’m 90%+ sure that you’ve severely misunderstood something in that discussion.

Don’t you live in Ohio?

LOL so no gun control in the gun control bill, then. Who ever would have guessed.


I wonder if the cops lied about the “propped-open door” because the school resource officer was responsible for making sure the self-locking doors were actually locked.

Yeah this wouldn’t surprise me either. Teachers aren’t responsible for that shit.

It’s the same song and dance as all policy proposals where Republicans get to be policy blockers. Democrats want more mental illness and school safety AND gun control, but Republicans will hard block gun control so the result is the Republican policies get passed even when Democrats ostensibly control the government.

Legit slightly worried about how things could potentially get regarding how the government acts towards the mentally ill if the priority ever shifts away from neglect

Maybe I should call all my previous shrinks and ask them to change their records to say only “quitting smoking”

JK at least 2 different insurance companies have some of my diagnoses in their files


don’t worry I don’t think the government could possibly treat the mentally ill any worse than they currently do

lol… they absolutely can.


I mean I’m free to walk around nearly any place I want to today


really curious how? You can already be locked up against your will for absolutely no reason. There’s zero resources out there even if you’re desperately poor and desperately sick to get treatment enough in the first place to even have enough of a formal diagnosis for the government to do anything to you whatsoever. Even if you have unlimited time, money, and resources the situation is hopelessly bad. Respectfully I don’t really see what the government could do at this point to make it worse

I mean I’m sure you can conjure up nightmare holocaust scenarios where they just start rounding up people that act weird, but that would require them actually summoning enough motivation to do anything at all about mental illness in the first place, which they’ve made more than clear they’re happy to let it fester and people just die of completely treatable illness

As someone who actually routinely ‘locks people up’ for mental illness, it’s actually incredibly hard to lock people up for mental illness. Psych patients generally aren’t abused by the system through aggressive acts, it’s almost always simple negligence.

Patients get held in the ER for days while waiting for placement, can’t get their meds because of social issues, so on and so on. That is where the majority of harm comes from. Simply not caring does far more damage than being too aggressive.

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Laughs in North Korea

Prisons are full of mentally ill people who are ostensibly locked up for something other than mental illness.

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obviously not what was being discussed. I actually almost included a line about prisons, but figured it wasn’t needed.

This is just MA, but the trend is the same for the country.

Of course it’s hard to lock people up in “mental institutions”. In quotes, because prisons are now at least partly de facto mental institutions.

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I feel you just reached the same conclusion I did in my first post. things can’t get worse than they already are. they really can’t. to even get worse would require spending $$$ on mental health infra to begin with, and we all know that isn’t gonna happen

It will if this country successfully gets drummed up into a panic against the mentally ill

Which won’t happen as long as these mentally ill shooters continue to be primarily white suburbanites.

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