‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

That’s all well and good but we all know what this Supreme Court will do in any gun case.

I mean yes, absolutely, that’s the story of our lives for the past 18 months, but the only actual answer is structural change that isn’t coming. It’s truly hopeless and it is so depressing.

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“This feels different. The partners we’re talking to sound sincere right now,” said Mr. Murphy, the lead Democratic negotiator.

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How many times has the President('s aides) actually written a bill and sent it to Congress and demanded they vote on it?

How many times has a President demanded Congress write a bill and pass it and send it to his desk so he can pass it?

How many times has a President used his power of the pulpit to do things like call out Congress for not sending him a bill to sign? Withdrawing endorsement of Congresscritters who won’t cooperate?

I know Biden won’t do any of this, but I’m just wondering if it’s extremely rare or less rare than extremely rare

Fucking hell those caskets

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Or, I mean, did Biden sort of “write” BBB and get Congress to introduce it as a bill?

The president is obligated to write a budget and send it to Congress every year, as just one example.

On supplemental oxygen, distrusts medical science (99.9% chance).


TX Cops: The killer entered through a door that had been propped up by a painter.*

(*7 summers ago during a remodel.)


I know a tweet about this was posted earlier, but here’s a full article if you want deets.


Sure noting to see about them not cooperating with Texas DPS investigation. Lol.

If they would just comply they wouldn’t look guilty, right police?

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The main ridiculousness I see with the anti-gun control lobby’s “arguments” is that they always seem to conjure up scenarios how any proposed legislation does not prevent literally 100% of attacks, therefore, we should do nothing at all. Of course this isn’t a secret to anyone here, it’s just amazing at how often they can successfully pull this off.

I do believe this shooting may actually move the needle ever so slightly - this was the dream “good guy with a gun” situation in the most rootin’-tootin’ wild west gun bonanza that exists in the entire country, and it could not have possibly failed harder.

I’m a gun owner, don’t crucify me, and while I consider myself fairly progressive I am 100% in favor of any kind of gun control legislation they can propose, down to the strictest measures possible, including outlawing ownership entirely. Honestly every gun owner I know is the exact same way. I don’t even know who these nutjobs are out there that genuinely think the world would be less violent if everyone was walking around strapped like we’re in a western.


The deceased children Guerrero viewed weren’t the kids of the parents in the waiting room of the hospital, but what he saw will never leave his mind.

“It was awful,” he said. “It was a high-power rifle injury. Almost decapitation, to that level. Open chest wounds. These are war wounds. It’s as if things exploded once the bullets hit the bodies.”

Not different than any other guns, they just look scary. Hammers kill more people every year!

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Just standard bad faith argument. Applies to virtually every right wing talking point, as well as a lot of general establishment talking points.

I’m really concerned the talking point out of this is going to get shifted to blaming local police instead of root issues. It’ll end with a bunch more tactical military gear for cops.


My biggest concern as well


If the second amendment literally said that anyone has the individual right to own any weapon, no one who is against child slaughter should care


I’m worried people only want to abolish some police.

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It’s going to change exactly nothing.

Or, as mentioned above, the changes will make things worse.

The odds that we get positive progress on this issue are less than 1%.

I didn’t say that it would - I don’t think it will change anything. It does however move the needle on a right-wing gun nut fever-dream scenario where if we had only armed guards and everyone had a gun and all you can imagine here, these things would cease to happen, because something something criminals would be too afraid to commit mass murder or whatever mental gymnastics people come up with in these situations. There’s no such argument here that any reasonable person can conjure, and the ones I see are pretty half hearted and very overtly silly at this point (“ARM THE TEACHERS!”).

It does move the needle. Believe it or not, most people (including gun owners) want more gun control - public opinion on this is approaching a tipping point, and while this one single incident may not specifically solve every single problem immediately, during the next horror or several, it will definitely debunk a lot of the horrible water-cooler type of arguments you hear when debating this on the public opinion level.