‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Looks like someone feels like they’re going to be the scapegoat

Yeah…I like the comment of “who knows better not to cooperate with the police, than the police”.


Out of any images from any mass shooting that I’ve seen, these have had the biggest impact on me. Pretty visceral.

They need to plaster the pictures of the corpses absolutely everywhere.


Wtf Dallas Morning News and Dallas Mavericks


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He liked what Trump said about pulling the military out of other countries’ business and stopping largely footing the bill for Western security, and was disappointed by lack of follow through on that, iirc

So basically they watched an episode of Rick and Morty as a moment of silence? Wow what a tribute.


Looks like they are using their right to remain silent. And they probably have more to hide.

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About 15ish years ago here the town I lived outside Wpg in had a small local PD. After an Xmas party, one of them drove drunk, killed a woman and others helped obstruct/cover it up.

The entire detachment got fired and disbanded, taken over by the RCMP.


Biden saying the New Zealand PM is critical to arguing for gun control in the USA? What lol? I’m assuming the significant minority of Americans even know NZ is a country.

Odds they hit someone besides the shooter feels borderline 100% now


My cousin who is a public school teacher in Texas has been posting on her facebook about how glad she will be when she’s allowed to carry in class

Most of my extended family agreeing with her

There was a meme she posted about how we protect the President with guns, protect the bank with guns, and the list went on for a while, but only protect children with a sign saying “this is a gun free of zone”

the uneducated and superstitious masses are kept fully abreast of the errrr

And got the same amount of false sense of it being something deep and profound

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You should remind her they also protect the President “from guns”. Does she think Presidential appearances are not gun-free zones?

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Lock them up

So now why know how Reagan got shot!!!





Here’s the cop lying about it (twice). They all know the playbook of forcing your favorable (bullshit) narrative out there asap, bonus if you can scapegoat a teacher
