‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Excuse me if this is ponied.

• 11:27 a.m. – A teacher propped open a door. DPS says that’s the same door the gunman would eventually use to get inside the building.
• 11:28 a.m. – The gunman crashes a car and confronts two people near the funeral home across the street from the school. The gunman shoots at the people but doesn’t hit them.
• 11:30 a.m. – A teacher calls 911 after seeing the gunman with more than a thousand rounds of ammunition on him.
• 11:31 a.m. – The gunman starts shooting at the school from outside. A school resource officer, who was not on campus, responded but incorrectly went passed the suspect, who was crouched next to vehicles, to the back of the building.
• 11:32 a.m. – The gunman continues to fire at the school.
• 11:33 a.m. – The gunman enters the school building and begins shooting inside classrooms 111 and 112. More than 100 rounds fired from the suspect.
• 11:35 a.m. – Three Uvalde police enter the building. Three more UPD and one Deputy arrive and enter shortly after. Two officers who initially responded receive bullet wounds after the gunman shoots through the door.
• 11:37 a.m. – More gunfire is heard from inside the classroom.
• 11:38 a.m. – More gunfire is heard from inside the classroom.
• 11:40 a.m. – More gunfire is heard from inside the classroom.
• 11:44 a.m. – More gunfire is heard from inside the classroom.
• 11:51 a.m. – Additional officers arrive.
• 12:03 p.m. – At least 19 officers were in the hallway outside the classroom, effectively creating a barricaded suspect. Evacuations from the remainder of the school accelerated.
• 12:03 p.m. – A student in Room 112 calls 911. She whispers where she is.
• 12:10 p.m. – The same student calls 911 again and says multiple people are dead.
• 12:13 p.m. – The student calls 911 again.
• 12:15 p.m. – Border Patrol agents arrive with shields.
• 12:16 p.m. – The student calls 911 for the fourth time; this time says eight to nine students are still alive in the classroom.
• 12:19 p.m. – A student from Room 111 calls 911.
• 12:21 p.m. – The gunman fires again from inside the classroom. Law enforcement moves down the hallway. Three shots can be heard over a 911 call.
• 12:36 p.m. – A student calls 911. The call lasts for 21 seconds. At some point after this, the girl who called 911 first calls back and is told to stay on the line. She says the shooter shot at the door.
• 12:43 p.m. through 12:47 p.m. – The student on the 911 call requests police respond, noting she can hear them next door.
• 12:50 p.m. – LE reach the door of the classroom. Keys from a janitor were used to get inside the locked doors. LE shoot and kill the gunman.


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What did the SRO do after driving by and missing the subject? Was he one of the first officers to enter the building?




I mean we deserve the hell world we want. Politicians maybe feckless but it’s because a large minority of the public is either fine with the status quo or wants looser restrictions

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Too late. That narrative is out and FoxNews and R’s will repeat it blaming the teacher.

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Crazy that the truck crash was called to 911 so cops were aware something was going on at the school before anything happened.

I am not saying a truck crash should bring out the swat team, but perhaps when a truck crashes by a school it might raise some alarms sooner than normal. Not that it would matter. Just more time to control the perimeter.



Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards voice

“We’re in the personalized coffin makin for kids business and business is a’ boomin’”


That’s untrue. He has made cartoons against the MIC and American “intervention” his entire career

Even against the militarization of cops

There was a shooting at a college in Louisiana today and you didn’t even hear about it.

That guy is awesome, especially if he is doing it for free or below cost, but thats the most morbid thing ive ever seen in my life.

Fucking hell


Is this article exaggerating or are “mass shootings” barely even newsworthy anymore if they don’t involve small children?

Most won’t make a blip on the national news scene.

Would have to be different in some way (high kill count, children, weird situation/location, etc.)

Now show pictures of the dead kids in the caskets.

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This map undersells how awful the problem is. I first thought, I was in Boulder CO like two weeks before the mass shooting at a grocery store, but it was in 2021, not 2019. Mistake? Nah…

There were two mass shootings in Boulder in three years, but the second one doesn’t make the map because “only” ten people dead.Other ones with 10 dead make the map but not this one, unclear why.

And then the Charleston, SC chruch shooting, where a young white supremacist went into a black church and started killing people. Surely missed from the map.

Oh, only nine dead. Below the threshold for the map.

It’s really quite sobering how many of these there are, and how we tend to think about them for about a week then forget.




WTF? Gotta say they’re breaking new ground here.

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I did not know that.

Still, how in the universe’s name do you square that with his work during the Trump presidency?

I’m not sure about that, my guess is that police departments always obstruct and deny and refuse to cooperate but when it’s not a bunch of murdered children there is less of a magnifying glass on it.