‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


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“Gun-controllers” sounds way badass.

As always, if only democrats were 10% of what right wingers think they are


I remember after Sandy Hook and high capacity magazine bans were being discussed, every time a democrat called them “clips” the gun nuts would just lose their shit and cite it as an example of how liberals have no idea what they’re even talking about. Fuck these people.


My kids love these books, but I can’t stand them. However, one redeeming quality is that knowing the originals makes you appreciate how well done this is.

Story time. My dad was in the army. We never had guns in the house growing up, nor did my dad ever really talk about them, even though he was clearly trained on them in his time in the Army. Actually, it was The Army Security Agency, a now defunct organization that was literally the boots on the ground for the burgeoning NSA in the early stages of the cold war. He was stationed in Germany on the front lines of the Cold War. His group was 12 dudes that lived in a house in a German city, with a singular task. Intercept, decode, and report out any and all soviet signals they could.

Technically they were spies, but not exactly James Bond. There was little need for them to be armed. Combat wasn’t likely. At some point, the Army authorized them all to start carrying a sidearm with them. 11 of the 12, my dad included, stopped carrying theirs within a week. These were enlisted soldiers who had among the highest intelligence scores on their enlistment tests. They figured out rather quickly how dangerous and stupid it was to be armed as they carried out their non-combat duties.

The 12th guy apparently became very isolated and withdrawn. He continued to carry a gun even though it was clear this was pointless. He eventually took a life, but only his own. The guys were not surprised. Even the military has realized that soldiers really only need weapons for training or when they are likely to face combat. Every other time the guns are much more of a liability than an asset.

I agree that the US fetishization of guns is at the root of the problem. But it’s a chicken and the egg problem. But at some point it doesn’t matter. If you want to get rid of the problem, you get rid of what you can. In this case, the guns.


Holy shit! In response to the Uvalde shooting, federal legislation has actually been introduced to limit gun sales.


I shot your pony dead yesterday. :grin:

Liar. You’re Canadian. No way you have a gun. Your people hate FREE DUMB.


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What about that tweet do you feel is misinforming?

It’s a .223 not the .22LR. Same size very different ammo

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But it’s typical gun nut pedantry. Biden called it “high caliber” which technically just refers to bullet diameter, but everyone sort of understands it as a general term for the amount of damage a bullet can do, and the .223 round does a lot of fucking damage, as we’ve seen from the immense amount of mass shootings that have used it over the years.

just to elaborate on the 22LR (very low power, low damage) vs. .223 (high power), here are the actual projectiles:

these are technically the same “caliber” in that the diameter of the projectiles is the same but that’s the only similarity. 22LR is mostly used for target shooting, plinking cans, and maybe squirrel hunting. .223 is basically a military round.

The difference is even more obvious when you see the entire jacketed round:

Any moron can see these are not at all the same (the extra size of the .223 here is mostly due to more powder being contained in the round, and the jacket itself needing to be thicker to properly contain all of that energy. A .223 round probably has 5x or more effective range than a 22LR due to the massively larger amount of energy being expended.


How do you pronounce 0.223? I know 0.22 is “twenty-two”. Is it “two twenty-three” or “twenty-two three”?

Two twenty three, I’ve also heard two two three. Complete lol at the 0.22 tweet

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Correct actual pronunciation is “micro penis”.


they call it five five six on the video games i play


According to Facebook, we don’t need gun control. We need to put three to four armed veterans in every school. They’re unemployed and this is a perfect way for them to integrate back into society.

Ah yes, armed guys suffering from PTSD who have been trained to kill people locked in a building with a bunch of screaming kids. What could go wrong?

They want more dead kids

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