‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Demanding Federal action when he knows that Congress is designed to prevent Federal action is a way to demand inaction but not take personal responsibility for it. This is basically Ted Cruz, Sleezeball 101.



Can’t tell which Joe that is without some labels.

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Sorry if ponied



Spoiler alert: he won’t stand up to either.


Pulling out of Afghanistan is already down the memory hole.

Man I know it will never ever happen but just hammer this issue forever. These clowns have absolutely no answers. A competent Democratic Party would be messaging on this in unison every single day, all day long.


The majority of mass shooters do have a history of domestic violence. If they just “red flagged” that one data point and did nothing else it would have a positive impact

facts are irrelvant and “destroying” NRA shills does exactly zero to change voter behavior


Acosta is correct that 18 year olds have military training. Also, assault rifles are not allowed in the barracks even with all that military training. Why is that I wonder? Yet an 18 year old citizen with no training whatsoever is allowed to purchase and keep one. Makes no sense

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Sorry, I haven’t been keeping track, but have you always been against assault rifles or is this a change for you?

Gee I wonder if they will drag out the negotiations as the outrage fades then quietly kill whatever remains of their toothless supposed compromise with zero accountability and cries of radical socialist democrats



You see, the Republicans wouldn’t dare try something like this because of the risk of BACKLASH.

The whole reason I’m such a devil’s advocate on here is to the point out that it doesn’t matter one bit what I think no matter how ridiculous of a notion I throw out. It also doesn’t matter what you think no matter how sensible it is. The goal should be to find solutions. I’d be all for a ban on assault rifles, but don’t think that’s gonna happen in this current climate and feel arguing for it is not only useless, but counter productive. When nothing was done after Sandy Hook, it should’ve been clear to all that banning assault rifles isn’t going to be the first solution no matter what else happens

There are however, things that could be instituted immediately. Background checks and raising the minimum age along with buyback programs. The only people who would argue against this are those who profit from the sale of guns. The overwhelming majority of gun owners could get on board with this

The only other strategy would be to stop with this wishy washy “no one is threatening to take your guns away” and threatening to straight up outlaw guns period. Of course, we’d have to crush the midterms to make this a credible threat, but if so, it seems reasonable that gun lobbyists would then be willing to make some legitimate concessions. But we have to win elections (with the right people) first or it all blows up in our face

So long about way of answering your question. I understand why someone would want to own an assault rifle, but wholly reject the ridiculous argument that they could ever be helpful in preventing a mass shooting. Like most weapons, they are mostly good for the protection of the owner, period and not much else imo

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Also Garrison doesn’t make this cartoon without the war in Ukraine.

Here we go, the total chaos and misinformation campaign is in full swing
