‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Is there the story you were thinking about:

Off-duty cops goes in to get his daughter (but claims to have then helped other kids get out).

Police living in the towns they police instead of coplands would be an improvement. Not as good a abolish the police, but it would have them resemble mutual aid a little more than an occupying force.


Shrug. @Sabo knows a lot about that kind of stuff. Maybe I’ll Google when I get at a computer (on my phone now).

Is Sabo able to post now?

The rich people would still elect people who lived elsewhere because ain’t none of them going to want to be cops. Also very likely that racist areas would select for even bigger racists than cops are on average.

I think increased education would be another way to approach it. You can’t apply to the academy unless you’ve got a bachelor’s degree or more.

Many departments already require a bachelor’s.

I knew some did, but I thought it wasn’t that common. Any idea on percentages?

Also, I haven’t checked, but my money is on that not being the case in Uvalde.

I don’t recall any black school shooters. Plenty of black kids have guns and are psychopaths yet those kids end up in gangs and not shooting up their school. So there are definitely some identity issues in the background where school shooters are identifying with and then imitating other school shooters.

There’s plenty of black school shooters and the worst school shooter by number of deaths was an Asian immigrant. This is just a bad take.

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Extremely Elijah from HBO’s Girls voice:

Would they?


Yeah, from googling, that does check out.

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Ok, community policing


The relationship between race and mass shootings is almost certainly very complex and will be tainted with biased media coverage, biased police and social system response, etc. Because the relationship between race and X is almost certainly very complex and will be tainted with biased media coverage, biased police and social system response, etc. for literally all X in the US.

I think that simple statistical inference error plays a role here as well. The US population is roughly 60% white and the proportion of mass shooters that are white that I saw a while back was something like 55% to 65%. So most mass shooters are white, but most people and in particular most adult males are white, so there doesn’t appear on the surface to be any noteworthy over or underrepresentation of mass shooters by race, white vs. non-white. Mass shooting tendency does not really appear to be a feature of whiteness, but whiteness is a feature of America, so it is easy to mix up the two.

Many households have guns because every one in the military reserve has got one at home. They don’t have any ammo for those rifles though. They’d pick that up at an nearby armory should the need ever arise.
That’s why the gun ownership rate for Switzerland is very misleading.




I wish we could see some stats on mass murderers who, on the day prior to the shootings, were “law-abiding citizens”. We hear all the time about the right not wanting to take guns away from “law-abiding citizens”. But they never acknowledge that today’s law-abiding citizen can be tomorrow’s mass murderer. Instead, they say “welp, there’s those criminals again, doing what they do, and we’ll never get the guns out of their hands so let’s all have guns.”

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The stats would be close to 100% I think. The back story is never some long criminal history.

Might as well get some stats on mass shooters with “mental illness” too. That’s the other one they always lean on, and I think in some cases that’s true. But certainly not every case.

Yeah there is a lot of published data on the determinants of mass shootings. Those studies can be mixed in their conclusions though because, notwithstanding The Onion, mass shootings are rare enough that statistically significant data conclusions are hard to reach.

I have read some good articles on this stuff in the past, but I’m not going to dig them up now. I honestly need to clear my head on this stuff. I’m going to go focus on NHL playoffs (maybe not the best way to steer clear of senseless violence but whatever).