‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Oilers vs rangers would be fun. If so, we need to put some cash on it!

“Right now is not the time to act like a little delinquent. It’s not funny. This child made a fake threat, and now he’s experiencing real consequences,” stated Marceno.

Cops now cracking down on fifth graders making “fake threats”.

As opposed to all the people who make real threats and face no consequences.

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This seems like a no-win situation. How do they know what’s a real vs fake threat?

The cop shouldn’t be calling it a “fake threat” unless he knows that’s what it was. And if he’s certain it was fake, then the kid deserves a lecture, but doesn’t deserve to be arrested, does he?

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Sunday morning, another mass shooting that’s barely even trending.


I saw a very cool video about what it takes to have ammo and shoot it in Switzerland, I’ll try to look for it.


“A pretty high rate of gun ownership and a pretty low rate of getting hurt by them”

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A significant problem is the culture of guns as things that define them as Americans as well as their prevalence. A surprising number of my students have fired guns at some point in their lives (low caliber rifle with a grandparent in the countryside seemed to be a common theme). But here they’re mostly viewed as tools some people need rather than something integrated into their national identity.

I honestly don’t know how to fix guns when it’s something that goes to the core of what makes them American. I legit believe that there’d be an insurrection attempt if strict restrictions were passed. People are fucking nuts about guns. I’m talking the government gunning down civilians en masse in the streets. Even cops and some military members would probably join the insurrection.

Peak eDem brain


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Competent police could have saved lives that day.

Holy shit.


I’m pretty sure if you buy enough fertilizer the feds get a call.



I haven’t been able to take this guy seriously for a while, after this it’s auto-dismiss. “Dispensable” is pretty much a perfect description of the Uvalde police. They get decked out in their fancy tactical kits and pose tough for a Facebook SWAT photo and…that’s it. If your JOB is to protect citizens* and you do NOTHING when standing outside a classroom where young children are being slaughtered, calling you dispensable may actually be generous.

*“To protect and serve” (wealth and the wealthy)

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The types of cops who choose to become school resource officers are rarely good cops, and that goes doubly for one at an elementary school. They want an easy job with short shifts and summers off. They’re not the sort who fantasize about being heroes under fire.

We talk a lot about how evil and shitty cops are, and there’s plenty of truth to that. But we don’t often talk about how lazy they can be.

Really? The whole sitting around eating doughnuts trope isn’t exactly uncommon.

If he added the word ‘competent’ in front of ‘police’, my reaction to that tweet would be very different. There is, of course, a reason he didn’t do that.

If they were merely dispensable, they would not have been arresting parents who actually wanted to try to do something.

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From Rupar

These fucking guys.