‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

If you kill a couple cops, they should have all of them start spraying bullets at any car somewhat resembling the one you were last seen in.

Where are these cops from? This is a Hispanic neighborhood. Are the cops largely from out of town? The police are used to policing these people, not protecting them. I would think if most of the cops were from the area they would have been more likely to protect the children than handcuff the parents.


I’m not talking about here, I was mostly talking about what you see in the media.

Also NBZ gonna NBZ. Can’t let that influence you about what most people are thinking.

That won’t work. You cannot reason with people who believe that the slaughtering of innocent children is a fair price to pay so that they can keep their assault rifles. If they were not so beyond logic, you could simply point out that while a gun may help protect yourself and maybe family from harm, they will do NOTHING to prevent mass shootings

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I have heard a few stories about cops going in to grab their own children and then G’ing TFO, not sure about veracity.

Hanging this on the “one bad cop/ANTIFA lib infiltrator” who held back the other awesome Rambo cops who would have fixed everything is definitely one way this could go.

Yeah, I heard that too. I seems inconceivable that they could grab just a few kids and leave the rest, but maybe they got more, and a lot of this is pretty inconceivable. I wouldn’t think none of the cops are from the area, but if they mostly aren’t one could see the response being different than if they mostly are and then maybe a few cops had to take things into their own hands regarding their own kids.

The cops have released a statement that all the kids were shot by the shooter, which leads me to think that they shot some kids, or at least a teacher and they are trying to get out in front of the story.


Its quite unlikely they were goven an order to stand down (and as far as I have seen nobody has reported this) as standard training (which the cops on the scene had participated in only a month ago) and operating procedures say to engage the shooters at all costs.

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Orders from above might explain the reason they waited over an hour, but the initial cops were on the scene in under 5 minutes (IIRC) and chose not to engage (or at best engaged briefly and retreated). That initial decision is almost certainly on those cops.


A video of Ted Cruz getting punched would be more appropriate for pornhub than youtube.


It was reported that someone in charge had determined that it was no longer an active shooter situation and that’s why they ordered no one to try to enter the room. This despite lingering gunfire and repeated 911 calls from inside. It’s an obviously bullshit story. It must be the best story they could come up with though. And I’m perfectly willing to lay the blame on every one of those cowards individually.

Frag commanding officers who give bad orders.

I’m calling for bad cops to be treated the way people seemed to be happy to treat SCOTUS justices who want to overturn Roe.

as gruesome as it sounds putting cameras in every classroom and releasing footage to the public the next time this happens might be the most effective way to affect policy change. no one cared about the nfl letting ray rice off the hook until the footage was released.

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Plus, conservatives can use the camera to monitor the amount of CRT in classrooms.

Another story I’ve seen is that the local cops were saying not to go in, but eventually the border patrol cops did so anyway. I could see another angle being “we must have federal law enforcement in all schools”.

From inside the firehouse today

“What are you going to do when this happens again after gun control laws get passed? Because it will.”


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hey leave me out of this

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Would we be better off managing policing on a statewide or national level and getting rid of most local law enforcement?

If it’s not an active shooter situation, why does that mean you don’t go in? Don’t you want to see if there are any injured kids you could save? I don’t suppose they gave any thought process behind that.

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