‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Am I not the only one who aees this story and reads “He left the scene angry and returned woth an AR 15” as the real problem here? Why did he have a AR? Where did he get it? How? If he hadnt had it would he have returned to the area mad in the way he did or was he empowered by the fact he had a fucking gun?

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So this whole “harden our schools” bullshit completely ignores a student of that school being the one who snaps, right?

That, and these examples are ridiculous. Let’s say one of three men in a car opens fire as they pull up to three men standing on the corner. One of the men on the corner pulls out his gun and shoots at the car as it drives away. Is this an example of a good guy with a gun responding to a bad guy with a gun?

That is definitely one issue with it.

Another is illustrated by what happened when a bomb threat was called into my kid’s school in the before times. They evacuated the entire school into a large field right next to a main road, where they would have been much easier to shoot en masse than if they’d been inside the school.

Also, just good old fashioned fires burning everyone alive as they struggle to get out the one door.

I think most of the one door designs are such that there is only one way in, but multiple doors will let you out. At least as far as the building is concerned.

They really shouldn’t be comfortable being out in public. Not that Rafael even seems bothered.



feels like that’s normal. i’m pretty sure my HS (90s) and a local HS where i live now, had doors that only open from the inside, but not from outside.

of course propped doors happen and people can be let in.

First off there is no national discourse on gun control to derail. It’s not as if Republicans were about to capitulate before this story broke and are now like “whelp, I guess we can’t do that now”. Practically an armed population is probably a realistic defense against a mass shooter. But mass shooters are only a small fraction of gun deaths. More guns is the body count equivalent of penny wise pound foolish.

This line was funny. “Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.”. It’s west Virginia. He probably tripped over it walking down the street and thought “hey ive got an idea”

It’s a badge of honor to be heckled. Until there are actually consequences for these people, there going to keep acting like this.

i mean they will idolize the good woman with a gun and argue we need more guns protecting the schools, rather than fewer guns in general

Schools have been built like that for a while though. I remember my school had doors that would from the inside but not from the outside unless you had a key. Odds are the teacher who propped the door open did so because it would have locked behind her if she closed it?

Some of it isn’t the building design but just how life is st a school.

A lot of people need to get into the school in a relatively short amount of time at the beginning of the school day and have to go to lots of different places. Our elementary school has a front entrance for car drop off, a back entrance for bus drop off and a third entrance for special needs children who might not be able to handle the commotion of the other two entrances.

That’s kind of my point. This “solution” is dumb because we already do it in a lot of cases. Or if he means one entry and exit point, then it’s unsafe for other reasons. It’s just a garbage talking point.



How about challenging these pro-gun macho GOP types to watch all the crime scene video. Then afterwards they can explain why we need more AR-15’s in our society.

There are probably few people who think less of cops than I do, but I’m a bit surprised at the blame being placed on them as individuals. I have to think they were ordered to stand back by a commanding officer. Sure, we can argue they should have defied those orders, but I’m not as quick to think each of them were saying, 'I’m not going in there!". The individual in charge who was wholly unprepared and untrained and gave the order to wait for backup has 90% of the blame in my opinion

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It depends on which “blame” you are talking about. My impression is the the right is blaming them as individuals – just a handful of incompetents in an otherwise flawless institution.

On the other hand the left is blaming the institution of police. Time and time again when it comes to mass shootings they’re too little, too late. The details may vary a bit in each case, but at the end of the day more police or more well funding of police isn’t going to do a damn thing to stop these events or reduce the death count by much.

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I don’t consider NOtBruceZ to be on the right (although I don’t frequent these forums enough to know for sure). He called for the doxing and harassing of each individual officer who did nothing. I assume he blames each of them for not defying orders

Cruz and his ilk love being heckled like this. They just use it for fodder against the crazy libs and to fundraiser in their shitty emails, then nothing of consequence ever happens to them. Him being heckled in public is almost certainly +ev for him.