‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America




Yes, again, the strategy is literally, do what Leroy Jenkins did. You engage until backup arrives, or the shooter is dead, or you are dead. These officers did the opposite of what they were trained to do.

The right is going to throw these specific cops under the bus so quickly and harshly. Everything would’ve gone just fine if these shitty cops, who are probably liberal ANTIFAs in deep cover, didn’t screw the pooch. Solution: more cops, more guns.


I’m not so sure. It’s easy to throw one cop to the wolves - but here it’s a whole department and if there is one thing cops always do, it’s have each other’s backs no matter what. Republicans are going to get a lot of pushback from cop groups if they try to say this entire department (and specifically the 17? cops that refused to rush the shooter) were cowards.

Nah, I think they throw all of them to the wolves here. These “cop groups” aren’t going to want any part or defend anything that makes them look like they aren’t courageous folk willing to put themselves in life threatening scenarios daily.

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Counterpoint: The right has already started it:


The police was 40% of the town budget, dipshit.


One of us!



There’s what the trainers trained them to do, and what the Supreme Court trained them to do, and the latter almost always wins


Comic book movies are all about punching and kicking your way to a solution. It’s toxic masculinity all the way down. To say (per wookie) that violence is “entertaining” but not “cool” is a pretty weird line. Aren’t these often synonyms?

What do you guys think about toy guns? Do your kids play with them?

My intention with using “entertaining” was to be more inclusive than “cool,” not to make a distinction.

Your attempts to vilify your enemies here are straight snoozers.

Nah. They will make a little noise and then nothing will happen.

Rule 1. Inconsistency doesnt matter.
Rule 2. No accountability

It really isn’t like that? Batman movies are about how killing is bad, he wont ever kill anyone and that’s a theme since the 30s. Batman is literally mocked by murderers for never killing anyone!

Spiderman doesn’t kill people, if you punch someone off a building in the Spiderman games the game literally saves them by webbing them to the building.
The recent avengers game basically only had robot bad guys.

To compare the tone of a random marvel movie with death Wish or dirty Harry or whatever is insane. There aren’t “cool” or “enjoyable” movies these days where “good guys” kill randoms.

I feel like the right is still trying to sort out their line of attack here and are floating trial balloons about bad cops. Maybe I’m wrong and that is what they go with, but given what we’ve seen cops willing to support, I’m skeptical. I guess here the difference is you can’t use a counter narrative that the victim wasn’t an angel - like in the normal situation where cops do something horrific. Not sure we’ve ever had a situation like this before, so definitely will be interesting.

What do you think about toy guns?

Walmart and target have an entire isle devoted to nurf style shooting guns. Foam, darts, balls, toilet paper guns rapid fire. I played with these kind of guns when I was a kid. They where fun. I have no desire to own a real gun now.
Most of family members own guns. I shoot with then on occasion, its fun. I don’t think there as any link from toy guns to school shootings. It’s something else.

Not appreciably different from what I told you earlier.

So that’s a yes on toy guns? I’m trying to wade through your weirdly aggressive tone here.
