‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I feel pretty strongly that college fraternities need to be nuked and banned. Some of the most dangerous and truly awful behavior I’ve ever seen in my life was normalized and encouraged by those organizations.


My contention has always been that video games don’t make kids violent, but rather that kids with a predisposition to violence are drawn to violent video games (not all people who like violent games have a predisposition to violence, obviously).

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It’s not “video games” in particular. Movies, books, TV shows, music, we glorify and normalize violence. And look, I’m not saying it needs to change. I’m not advocating we ban your game. … I’m saying, consider all of that as the background. Violence appears in media far more prevalently than it occurs. That we all consume this and it doesn’t change us, is imo not a rationale conclusion.

It’s not just video games.

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Yeah I definitely blame them too. I must be typing bad because you guys seem to be missing my point.

You guys really think that telling kids “violence is cool” has zero effect whatsoever on their subsequent actions or attitudes? Seems unlikely. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this. I’ve noticed more parents being reluctant to buy toy guns the last few years.

→ Arm up teachers to protect from school shootings
→ Teachers are now caregivers and have duty to protect
→ School shooting happens
→ Cops arrive, sit outside & wait for it to all blow over
→ Shooter is killed
→ Cops enter the school and arrest any teachers still alive
→ Teachers are charged & do prison time based on how many of their students were killed


I dont think kids think violence is cool. I think “edgy behavior” is more frowned upon than at any point in recent history. Kids are nicer and less violent on the whole. Just in America the ones who are not nice and are in fact violent can get their hands on a gun and ammo much easier than anywhere else on earth.

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No, we’re saying that saying “violence is entertaining” in any of a number of media is not the only messaging kids receive, and tons of kids are just fine separating pretend from reality.

Yeah that’s fucked up. Seems pretty bizarre to simply declare that environment has no impact on a person’s values, character, etc.

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Also like everything it’s a probability argument. It’s meaningless to say some kids aren’t effected.

Blowing into a hurricane does technically have an effect.


had to do a double take, that looked like rush.

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There’s a lot of violence in our “entertainment” because that’s how we like it. And it sells. Because we watch. It’s just capitalism. Our entertainment outlets don’t have any other purpose regarding violence than we do. If we didn’t like it, it wouldn’t be as prevalent because it wouldn’t sell. It’s there because we put it there.

Yeah I don’t disagree with any of that, unless I’m missing something. We’ve turned violence into entertainment. I agree.

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Maybe we should have a fucking cannon go off instead of a bell.

Way to give a guy who cant form a coherent fucking sentence in English the responsibility of reading off the names of a bunch of hispanic kids.

I think you guys are quite wrong on this. Look at current themes of “violent” media vs the past. Death Wish/Dirty Harry type stuff was seen as cool! It’s definitely not that way now. There really aren’t guys earning a living based on that kind of stuff these days.

When we think violent video games I guess we are agreeing on stuff like MK, GTA etc, but that’s probably like 1% of games sold and…so what? Where’s the line? Is Zelda “violent?” Is WOW? These are all brands that have existed for 20-35 years now.

There is too much copaganda on network TV, but young people do not watch network TV.


Ive done the same thing listening to music im really really into and also scared myself when I looked down and realized I was doing 95 unconsciouslly on a road I normally do 55

My priors are that right-wing talking points are always wrong. Violent video games cause shootings is a right-wing talking point ergo it is wrong.

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Your FYP was implied in the OP