‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I think that we can teach nonviolent values that supercede pretend play or storytelling. Doing so is perfectly ordinary, because every culture has violent stories but also nonviolent values

I think you have more faith than me in a person’s ability to be aware of how our environment shapes our values. And of course every culture has some nonviolent values, but I’d say every culture is more violent, misogynist, racist, etc than it should be. We don’t play racist or sexist games. I think we go do with fewer violent games as well.

We know that violent stories and violent pretend play are timeless and culturally universal in humanity, and that includes Khan’s Mongols and modern Norway. We arguably have more media for violent stories and pretend play now than ever, but it is also arguably the most peaceful time in human history, despite the horrors of school shootings. If you have some actual data about how many extra people die per violent video game or nerf gun, post it. I know already that I am powerless against your imagination. Your imagination will win in your mind every time.

Why are you so angry lol? Take it down a notch.


Video games as an industry taken in more revenue than movies do now. Society is less violent now than before video games were a thing.
Even if you took out every game rated 18+ I would be confident nothing would change in the USA.

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And it’s your imagination versus mine right now. I’d say the burden lies on your imagination to prove that timeless veneration of violence isn’t connected to timeless excess violence.

Ah yes, when you have no agreement, accuse me of being emotionally unstable instead. Peace bro.

You started it! Mom!

Oh gawd

Yes I am the one relying on insults rather than argumennts.

I would absolutely think that school shooting drills are more harmful to kids than any amount of fictionalized violence as well.


If it didn’t require kids having to die, I’d wish for another Florida school shooting just to show how worthless all their countermeasures are.

Homicide rates going down have no relation to what I’m saying. TBF I think I’m not explaining myself well. El Sapo gets it. I’ll leave it there. His posts are better than mine.

I remember when delivering pizzas I had a cop car pull up next to me and had the thougjtn. All I have to do is try to open the passenger door and he will get out and free cop car!


I think you’re saying society would be better off with less violent media. I would argue we already have less violent media than the preceding decades and we are better off! Now, I genuinely don’t think if you took away GTA and COD or whatever society is better off.

what woudl homicide rates be if you eliminated ar-like shootings? or school shooting?

looking for some appreciable drop in statistics, especially for 5-19yo. like collectively we should be to visualize that if assault weapon bans work, that would be worth 1 homicide per 100k or something.

If you’re unwilling to make even a correlative argument between violent media and homicides, then your argument is uninteresting and perhaps even unfalsifiable. I don’t think we’ll ever achieve a human society without either actual violence or violent play or storytelling. If you’re not willing to drill down into how much extra real violence is attributable to pretend violent media or play, then we’re left with thinking the size of the effect of violent media and play is limited only by your imagination.

You could maybe compare a bit to Canada? We definitely have a gun/hunting culture, but no assault weapons. A federal handgun ban was an issue last election.