‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Update on cops shot


I’m guessing grazing wounds at some point turns into they were scratched or something (but not by a bullet). I would think it’s pretty hard to only get grazing wounds from someone shooting lots of bullets at you. Or perhaps they stick to grazing wounds as no one will really disprove that, and it makes their decision to retreat slightly more reasonable.

Sounds like the police are the crisis actors in this shooting


he should put another red line on 1994.

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This exists and the vast extent of it I believe would shock about 90% of this boatd

Ok same as the previous post I made

I know this is a bit preaching to the choir but anyways…

Whenever I hear people talk about how laws don’t stop people I remember how I stopped playing online poker, because the laws made it harder to play online poker. (Or the time Comcast emailed me saying a copyright holder saw me torrent something so I stopped torrenting)



Seems high — say 300M americans, 250M are adults and 400M guns thats 200 guns per 7.5 jackoffs or more like 25ish per jackoff. So let’s not overstate the problem! Our gun nutters only have 25 guns per not 200.

Edit—forgot to divide by 2 and ponied by @superuberbob.

I had a client, former gun dealer, tell me the NRA is the #1 proponent of gun training, control and universal background checks.

I just can’t. These lead paint addled boomer brains just cannot accept reality, and they’d rather just take us all down with them than reconsider a single of their idiotic positions based in fantasyland.




I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here. With all due respect jman you’re part of the problem.

actually true. they use it as marketing

Same guy thinks that video games are the culprit:

my friend was at the Vegas concert where the guy killed like 80 people, lots of survivors got hit with grazing wounds, I think when high caliber rounds like that are being fired they just shatter into shrapnel

I feel so bad for him every time something like this comes up, he’s told me he has to relive the whole thing every time


That makes sense and seems plausible. Seems though that I wouldn’t refer to that as shot if you were only scratched by bullet fragments.

I mean, they could be completely lying about anything at this point. I’m not believing any of them were injured without hospital records.




I mean, yeah not my first choice either but im willing to shell out a bit to reduce our gun surplua by 350 million or so


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hatpope is the worst?