‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Xbox 360 came out. Graphics were to realistic which led to a generation of mass murderers. Duh.



You look fucking stupid in those hats, assholes.


I should say, this kind of rage is basically the only thing I am capable of communicating in this thread. 19 kids and 2 adults, and the police did objectively Nothing. I could throw up.


Worse than nothing. They prevented people from doing anything.


I’m a bit more focused. Instead of just tossing out insults, what about talking about ideas like compiling a list of the names and addresses for all those cops who did nothing and encouraging people who live there to harass them in their daily lives.

Good way to get killed. A lot of people talk about the NSA spying on Americans, but the local police do plenty of it and being part of a group harassing or even watching police is a good way to get visited by police who find themselves “in fear for their own safety”.



OK I laughed



I think protest movements need to come up with a form of decentralized spying that keeps track of bad cops, politicians, and other bad actors.

Why can’t we just have more citizen oversight? Like regular people, on the side of the public, hanging out at the police station and listening to the pre-shift briefings. They could listen to scanners and show up at crime scenes to see how the cops are handling situations. They could look for signs of racism within the department. “Who’s policing the police?” is a pretty valid question these days, and the answer is the police. They’ve never ratting themselves out if they can avoid it.

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There are citizen oversight boards. Some of them report violations, the cops just ignore them. The issue is even when there is evidence that the cops are fucking up (either on an individual level or department wide) there are no consequences.

It’d be like this

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Yep, its why the “we can never get rid of ALL the guns” talking point is such bullshit. We absolutely can make gun ownership without licensure illegal. We absolutely can put a cap on number of guns that are legally able to be owned, and we absolutely can confiscate and destroy any guns that fall outside of those two things above.

  1. Require registration and licensure of ALL guns.
  2. Cap gun ownership to no more than 2 guns per household (no more than 1 handgun and 1 long gun)
  3. Grant a one month period to license your two guns and turn in your remaining guns (bought back at market value possibly)
  4. Institute a felony provision for anyone who either A - owns more than two guns or B - does not license and register their guns.
  5. Random residence checks on those who have registered firearms to insure there are no more than 2 and that they are safely stored. Not meeting storage requirements leads to a fine and misdemeanor. More than 2 guns or unregistered guns = felony.
  6. Guns that are used in a crime and unregistered = additional felonious penalties.
  7. Guns that are lost or stolen must be immediately reported to law enforcement. Guns not reported within 24 hours and used in a crime leads to felonious charges against registered owner as well.

None of these requirements are against the second amendment and would drastically reduce the rates of gun violence, both homicidal and suicidal.



Good with death penalty for these cowards



When he says “feral pigs” does he mean out of control cops? Cause that kind of makes sense, actually.


One of my theories of is that government functions through both formal and informal power. A failure of progressives is that they seem to insist on everything passing through formal structures. Yes, there should be more citizen oversight, but some of that needs to take the form of an informal check on power.