‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The teachers care about the kids.



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Yeah, cop with AR15 pointed his gun right at my kid.

F this guy. Former cop who blames “us” for cops being feckless cowards.

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Honestly, teachers having guns just puts more potential mass shooters in a school.

Sure, not all teachers but it only takes one with a gun to have a spitball fired at the back of their head while teaching algebra on a bad day and snap.

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I think it’s more likely we’ll have kids getting the guns and accidentally shooting themselves/others.


Maybe the police would do their job if they could be made to be afraid of being shot if they don’t engage a human who’s killing kids.

Are you fucking kidding me?

EDIT: Now that I think about it, you may have actually mentioned this before on this site. I probably was just as disgusted as I am now.

This is somewhat controversial and of course there is a lot of pushback from military, but historians have found that only like 15-20% of front line infantry in combat shoot at all.


Now it comes the school officer was not at his post. On-site commander said there was no longer a threat to kids so they waited.

They had all the kids come out of the classrooms with their hands up like you see in these situations and they were pretending to direct the kids and find the shooter. They were all decked out in military gear. Obviously their guns were supposed to be unloaded, but so was Alec Baldwin’s.

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Anyone have a direct source on this? Seen many tweets but no links

Jfc if true


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Only mentions that two kids called 911 - not the other details.

From the nytimes live feed. Just an absolutely inexcusable failure of Law Enforcement at every fucking level. They absolutely would have been getting radio information about these 911 calls from inside the room. They did nothing for 48 fucking minutes.



so that’s what “3%-ers” means


I received an email from an organization that will be bailing out protestors at the NRA convention. Hope it’s OK to share.



the girl that called and played dead gave interviews and the description of those interviews were given which match that story

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Don’t know if this accurate, would have assumed there are way more incidents

