‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Kind of a hot take I guess but I think video games are a problem even though obviously not the problem. Gun culture and the glorification of violence runs deep.




There’s consequences.

Sometimes a police officer has to switch departments!

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Violent video games are popular amongst children in every first-world nation. None of them have this problem except for the US. There is simply no credible link between video game violence and gun violence, and these same kinds of “morality” panics about violent media have been going on for a lot longer than the existence of video games.


You’re right that video games are not responsible for school shootings in America. But the glorification of violence and the love of guns is a worldwide phenomenon and… idk that shit’s just kind of creepy when you think about it. What’s cool about pretending to be a soldier in war? That’s fucked up.

You personally not liking it has zero bearing on the scientific evidence that disproves your feelings.


There are no scientific findings about “glorification of violence.” That isn’t possible AFAICT.

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Before Video Games violence was glorified in movies and tv, before that on radio and in books, before that in plays. It’s always been glorified, because it makes for a good story.

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I know. That’s a bad thing.

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Violent video games aren’t bad so to speak but glorification of militarism and war is pretty fucking bad. Lots of ways to do the former but not the latter.

“Am I next?” - The sad truth is that they could be.

Heroes, all of them.

I’m gonna need a break before I descend further into depression.


We’ve been telling stories of violence saving the day for as long as there has been a humanity telling stories. By far the greatest storytelling genre of all time.

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This child is more brave than any of the police officers.

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I can’t do another 4 years of this asshole.





Yet we live in maybe the least violent time in history. What video games were the Mongols, crusaders and Nazis playing? You might as well blame tv shows or gangsta rap.

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Those Uvalde cops are fucked.

They should be prosecuted.