‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Yeah I loved like two blocks away from where that shooting happened at the time.

I also previously mentioned my father’s business having a workplace shooting where five people were killed and others injured. This was pre ar15 days so I guess we were lucky.

Can’t wait for shooters to light schools on fire then shoot everyone as they come out the one door.

The revising part would be standard no matter what. No one gets the events of who did what when and how right the first time. It’s a matter how much deviation there is.


Evokes memories of the Great White fire in terms of the dangers of having only one door when there is a fire. One of the most horrific videos I’ve ever watching (not going to link to it here, and search for at your own peril).

I know the name and logo are on it, but I’m still guessing Real


One of the many school shootings on that list involved someone pulling a fire alarm and then opening fire on students as they came out. I remember being in high school when it happened, we were talking about it in class, and some jackass pulled an alarm. None of us were leaving our fucking seats.

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warren v. district of columbia is also rage inducing. that was one of the first at the federal level to say the cops had no duty to protect. 3 women held captive for a day and a half being raped and tortured, 2 manage to call police, and the cops show up and dont even get out of their car. the women get caught by the home invaders again, manage to get away a 2nd time to make a call, and the police ignore it as a prank…

women sue the city. courts say “the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to specific citizens”

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My workplace has one alarm for fire/chemical alarms and a different one for active shooters so you know whether to run outside or shelter in place. I can see this being standard practice for schools.

I haven’t really tried to rank the stupidity of the “solutions” coming from the right, but the “one-door” policy has to be right up there near the top.

Only until the zero door policy is suggested. We need schools with no doors, high walls lined with barbed wire, and guard towers every 25 feet with snipers. It’s just common sense.


But even then, one of the snipers could be a threat to barricade themselves inside the school and start shooting. So each classroom must have at least one armed teacher, one armed teacher’s aide, and one armed student because they deserve equal protection.

We’ll determine who that day’s armed student is by the same system we determine who feeds the pet hamster, who also needs to have a gun on him at all times.


A large scale teachers strike would probably be effective. Bad timing right now, though, because school is already over in a lot of places.



Police slow to engage with gunman because ‘they could’ve been shot,’ official says

active shooters are scary, but you shouldn’t sign up to be a cop if you aren’t willing to put your life on the line to protect a school full of children


On the one hand - blaming it on these specific cops being cowards allows the right to avoid any discussion of the fact that “a good guy with a gun” is bullshit.

On the other hand, if these cops actually face real consequences, maybe cops will start to push for more gun control if their choices are risk their own death to stop a shooter or go to jail. Of course, sadly that would mean we’d need lots more shootings like this (but I think we’re probably headed that way regardless given how much Dems suck on this). It would probably also mean cops kill more kids/innocents in situations like this as they are often pretty indiscriminate with their fire.

In about 18 months the civil suit will make it to the 5th circuit and the cops will get complete immunity. A year after that the Supreme Court will affirm. In the mean time several dozen more schools will get shot up during which time zero meaningful legislation will pass.

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yeah. i’d be willing to bet everysingle one of them said they would 100% put their lives on the line to protect their communities children prior to the incident…

and the funny(not funny) thing is, i bet they all would say the same thing again if you asked them in a couple weeks, even after we clearly know that’s a lie.

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Yep, it’s getting worse


“Is every single window on the ground floor bulletproof?”