‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK

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funny how meta/zuckerturd spends absurd amounts of money on advanced speech and text recognition AI so they can ban people who too openly call morons morons, yet they can’t be bothered to use the same technology to detect potential shooting events like this in real time

some turd on cnn is trotting out the FB claim that they don’t/can’t access PM’s, it’s a total fabrication, they can and they do


What should the tactical plan have been?

It’s possible every scenario would have ended the same.

Sounds like a good argument for banning guns.


Possibly. It’s also possible that engaging him sooner would have saved lives and reduced the trauma for the survivors.

Also what Koss said.

I’m not on social media and don’t have the WSJ.

The 12 minute claim sounds pretty bad.

That is 100% the opposite of what they’re supposed to be trained to do with a school shooter. They’re supposed to advance toward the fire and engage the shooter. There only grey area is the one the cops created for themselves by saying they had the shooter barricaded into a room.

I guess the $million question is how soon after he got into the room did the officers “take rounds” if it looked like most of the kids were already dead at that point, then it could make sense to contain him in the room. But it seems unlikely. Some of the kids had to still be alive.

Guys, we have to keep our expectations in check for a police department located…about a mile from the shooting.


Dems should propose a single issue bill banning assault weapons. We’ve had one before and we can have one again.

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In Toronto today several schools were locked down because someone was seen close to a school with a rifle. Cops shot him, I guess more details will come out later. Of note, AR-15s and similar weapons are illegal here. Would the cops have engaged this guy if he had a more deadly gun? I don’t know. But my guess is that specific legislation banning the “worst” guns probably helped.


Per the NY Times blurb I posted a screen capture of, most of the kids died after he engaged the cops.

LOL at the 1 star rating.

Uvalde Residents Voice Frustration Over Shooting Response

Hint - archive.ph works for anything.

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Here is the ungated article. For future reference, just go to archive.ph and paste the URL from the article there and you’ll be able to read it without a paywall


ETA: I’m just happy my pony isn’t hours behind

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This is social media lol


UVALDE, Texas—The gunman behind the mass shooting at an elementary school here lingered outside the building for 12 minutes firing shots before walking into the school and barricading in a classroom where he killed 19 children and two teachers, authorities said in a news conference Thursday laying out a new timeline of events.

Victor Escalon, a regional director for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said he couldn’t say why no one stopped the now deceased gunman, 18 year-old Salvador Ramos, from entering the school during that time Tuesday. Most of the shots Ramos fired came during the first several minutes when he entered the school, Mr. Escalon said.

This makes no sense. How were the doors still unlocked? To the school and to the classroom.


One of the big problems here is normies absolutely will not care about this shit come election time unless it happened in their town. But they will care about Biden something something gas prices defund the police $40B on Ukraine something something.

Meanwhile 50% of the Republican party will instantly defect and vote 3rd party or just not vote at all if any Republican proposes any kind of gun restriction.


…even a gun restriction they personally agree with!

Does this thread really seem like the ideal spot to hash out a conversation about the philosophical definition of what social media is?

You understood what I meant.

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Right there with you. I have to keep the thoughts that we’re keeping me awake in my own head.

Idk. Maybe if every high school kid just walked out of school at the same time and went to their Capitol. I don’t know what is going to change all of this. I hate when the edems fail time and time again but the alternative is even worse. Fucking goddamn it.

(I wish every right wing politician’s kid that had a conscience would coordinate coming out as trans at the same time, especially in TX and FL).

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