‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Assuming this account is true, I think it makes the cops look worse rather than better. They had a chance to engage at a time that could have still saved most of the kids lives, but choose not to in order to put their safety first. Then even as more cops arrived, they continued to wait and do nothing.

Oh come on before it was they didn’t do anything, now it’s they stopped after two people got shot rushing a defensible position. The latter is clearly better

wE NeEd ArMeD gUaRdS iN sChOoLs

If they were at the classroom walls, they were close enough to know that there were kids being shot and killed as I’m sure the kids were screaming inside. If they just waited on the outside doing nothing, at least they had the defense that they didn’t know if he was killing the kids as opposed to holding them hostage.

I think it’s worse once they knew he was currently engaged in the act of killing kids and they continued to wait, as opposed to not knowing if kids were dying and doing nothing.

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they all want to be treated like heroes until it’s time to put on the hero pants and do actual hero shit.

go heroically get more free coffee and donuts…


Republicans actually found someone dumber than Trump. I’m impressed.

  1. You owe me an apology for an extremely inflammatory post for daring to suggest that we wait for more information, especially because it seemed like some of the cops got shot in a rescue effort (which seems very likely at this point).
  2. All we know right now is that some cops got shot early on in the process (even that isn’t 100% sure). Claiming that it is worse than doing nothing is just being obstinate.
  3. Again, more information is going to come out. I’m sure cops will have made some sort of mistakes. It’s even reasonable to get done in by some of the early information that ends up being false. Stop being a jerk to others for absolutely no reason.

Those two teachers were infinitely more courageous than the cops, they should be the ones getting 40% of the budget


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Even in the U.S., stronger gun control laws reduce gun crimes.

If you live in a blue state or a blue city, now is a great time to let your representatives know you want better gun control. I just sent off two quick emails to my State Senator and State Representative.

Senator Krueger,

While New York already has strong gun control laws, now is the time to make them even stronger. I urge you to support the following reforms:
• Raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21
• Require permits for the purchase of rifles and shotguns
• Require a mandatory waiting period before purchasing a firearm
• Require microstamping of ammunition (Hoylman S.4116 / Rosenthal A.7926A)
• Improve fair access to victims’ compensation (Myrie S.7573/ Meeds A.8619A)

I look forward to hearing how you plan to make New Yorkers safer by enhancing our state’s gun policies.

You may want to ask for different actions in your state or city. You can find more about your state’s gun laws here:


I just am incapable of believing this is true.

Oh, and the kicker:



Updated timeline - a few corrections that stand out (I hope I linked correctly to the CNN blog post, it’s a pain)

  1. He wasn’t confronted before entering the school, just walked it.

  2. It seems the cops were not actually shot before retreating - unless I’m misinterpreting what “they take rounds” to mean in the following: “They hear gunfire, they take rounds, they move back, get cover.” I assume that means they were shot at, but not hit, and retreated.

This “enagaged” and “took fire” and “confronted” bullshit is doing an incredible amount of work in every official account of the shooting.


The officials said that the gunman started shooting in the hallways, though it is not known whether he hit anyone. He kept shooting once he arrived at the classroom.

“Multiple rounds, numerous rounds are discharged inside the school,” Mr. Escalon said.

Two Uvalde police officers tried to get into the classroom, he said. “They take rounds, they move back, get cover.” Then the officers made calls to bring in help and additional resources, he said.

So a gunman is actively going on a killing spree in an elementary school and the cops are like yeah let’s hang out and wait for backup.

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Horrendous look to have been on the performing list in the first place, but I’ll throw him a few points for pulling out.



I think this post had to be made. Knowing what we know, we know that facts change. Even though Jonny may be embarrassed at being called out here, you did the right thing. Sometimes you just have to stand your ground, and I’m proud of you for making this enumerated list, and super seriously demanding an apology while telling Jonny not to be a jerk for no reason.


Cops don’t prevent crime and these situations make it obvious they aren’t good at handling ongoing criminal activity either. No one here should be surprised they sat around for an hour doing nothing while children were slaughtered and/or terrified hiding from an active shooter.


Sent off versions to both senators and rep. Good idea, though yeah lol I’m sure our Karen emails are really going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Still feels good though.

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Right we can pretty much piece together what happened. A couple cops got shot (edit: shot at), it got radio’ed in to everyone else, they realized that this dude is probably spraying around an AR-15 (THE AR DOES NOT STAND FOR ASSAULT RIFLE), and were all like nahhhh we good.

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