‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

At this point, would anyone be surprised some Uvalde kids turned out to have been killed by “friendly” fire from cops?

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Yes, but only because us finding out would mean it was actually investigated and the cover up failed.


It would immediately get stayed and then overturned as unconstitutional

Somebody didn’t get the memo about these rights “shall not be infringed”.

I know, I know that private retailer isn’t Congress

Strongly disagree with this. First off, family annihilators have a pretty diverse set of motivations. They’re frequently categorized as: economic, men trying to hurt their partner further by murdering their children first, paranoia, and disappointment. While I’d say that people who are killing their children over economic and disappointment reasons like John List are super fucked up, I would also say they aren’t mentally ill in the ‘untreated (or off-med) BPD or something else.’

BPD is also almost always self-harm, not external violence. That’s true for psych diagnoses in general.

Yeah was made by Daily Wire. One of their first forays into film making.

RE: Columbine

Thread misses some major details. Columbine wasn’t supposed to be a simple school shooting, and in fact had started off as a bombing. People don’t realize or know that Columbine was actually supposed to be a school bombing, not a school shooting. The pair had left a pretty sizable bomb in the cafeteria that was supposed to go off during lunch. They plan was to setup shop outside the school shooting at people as they ran out. Saying ‘look they had this information from their website but didn’t run in’ makes a lot more sense if you read about how they setup the school for a bombing. By my recollection of the Columbine they didn’t have that information right away though. They simply created a perimeter because that’s what you did in this situation.

Second, there was massive amounts of confusion about how many shooters there was, and not just from cop sources. There are, in fact, whole conspiracy theories about this because of early reports from the media. Those early reports are also responsible for the 100% false bullying narrative that came out later.

The best criticism of the cops on Columbine is very much how they didn’t follow up on the threats and search warrant (I think they got) they had well before the shooting while they were on probation.

eta: a good read https://www.amazon.com/Columbine-Dave-Cullen/dp/0446546925

As a compromise only people eligible for Medicare are allowed to own guns.

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Also wrt the criticism of the cops here:

  1. Sure seems like it’s going to come out that they fucked up pretty badly here.
  2. That’s going to be used by republicans to argue against gun control, not as anything positive for democrats.
  3. Expecting cops to be heroes is almost always going to end in failure.

People often minimize the ripple effect these shootings have. Magnitudes more people are inflicted as friends, family, acquaintances and more carry an impact for a lifetime.


I have to imagine that one of the more nobler reasons to want to be a cop is the idea that some day you may end up in a situation where you have to act heroically to save a school full of children. Yet here we are, the opportunity presented itself, and in a case where the difference of a few seconds can save many lives, they waited what seems to be a dangerously long amount of time to do anything.

On 9/11 343 firefighters died trying to save people in a fairly hopeless situation despite an immense risk to themselves. I’m no expert on heroism and won’t claim that I would know what to do in one of these situations, but standing outside of a school while a gunman rushes in seems like the wrong call.

It seems likely that even the police know they are pretty powerless to stop these guys. If someone arms themselves with an assault rifle and launches a surprise attack, there’s going to be some bodies. I am a bit curious as to how the shooter got in. My kids elementary is kept locked up pretty tight during school hours. I guess at this point I have no choice but to be on board with schools being treated as safe rooms designed to keep out armed gunmen. It’s not perfect, but I guess if there’s a chance it could reduce the deaths it’s better than nothing. If we get gun control great, but in the meantime, I want to know where the failure point was that let this guy get into the building.

Don’t know if this is representative, but I could easily walk in to any school in my immediate area right now with zero to very little resistance.

The only thing having armed guards at schools will do:

  1. Create more targets
  2. Give additional people more time to stand around and do nothing while children get slaughtered.

These armed guards are not going to intervene, even if the survive an initial attack.

Watery Weed Dune Hair.

Yeah so much demonizing of fire fighters out there.

The key to Whitlock is to realize he’s always diametrically wrong on every issue. He was always wrong on his sports takes. And now he gets national buzz by being the black guy contrarian spewing right wing talking points.

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I’ve actually had a lot of negative experiences with fire fighters, and in NYC EMS aren’t big fans. Fire did a lot of dumb things in the field medically.

Sure appreciated them when my house burned down as a teenager though

@JonnyA need an update on the worst post ever on this site


Obviously we’ll see what ends up being actually true but ffs that was absurd from you


Ripple effects from the initial trauma. She was one of the teachers killed.



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“Why is this American exceptionalism so awful?” Is a solid line.