‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I think at this point the only solution will be when things get so bad that cops and the wealthy start getting killed and fearing for their safety. Right now it’s easy for the 2A people to not care because for the most part the violence doesn’t affect them (or it’s stuff like gun accidents they can blame on the gun owner, even though they are likely as careless). If cops were routinely being outgunned and killed, I think you might actually see some gun reform.

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They’ll just use that to justify more armored vehicles and toys. COVID is the #1 cop killer and the police are notoriously unconcerned about fighting it. Part of the reason the cops have the gear they have now is because of incidents that that bank robbery in the 90’s where two dudes had body armor and automatic rifles.


This is the only way gun control is ever happening.

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Right - I’m saying if stuff like the LA shooting regularly occurred and cops were actually getting killed, they would change their tune. Sure, you’d have calls to give them more heavy weapons, but you couldn’t protect every cop that way, just the special units.

An interesting thing I’ve been thinking about is how to make politicians act without physically harming them.

I honestly don’t think it would be that hard or require that much participation. Just an organized, coordinated effort to make their lives miserable. For fucks sake, remember when a couple hundred air traffic controllers ended the government shutdown by inconveniencing congress critters?


This is a Ron Paul supporting type of schmuck that lives outside Vegas and is involved in Nevada politics


Isn’t this basically the DC law that was struck down in Heller? Unless you’re saying Dem cities should attempt the “fuck you, I’m doing it anyways” approach which I would love to see, but, as you note, would just result in courts striking it down.

It’s wrong to wait for information now? As opposed to instantaneous reactions to twitter feeds.

I don’t see anyone challenging the idea of taking the guns away. Who’s going to do that?

Assuming it’s cops then you are going to have to have faith that they can get the job done at some point. Unless confiscating the guns is just a bullshit talking point that nobody actually believes will happen.

Like nobody is surprised that these cops acted cowardly.

A country of people devouring their own children

" There’s a nationwide shortage of baby formula, and the tax credit that halved child hunger expired alongside any public effort to mitigate the continuing pandemic, and laws are being steadily passed that will force women to birth children they don’t want or can’t carry into a country that, all claims to the contrary aside, treats them as target practice. This is a country suing school libraries for carrying the wrong books, and taking away children from their parents for being trans, a country whose response to the massacre of its children is to sell bulletproof backpacks and post policemen at every school, as if cops could move faster than bullets. A country devouring its children and surprised to be devouring its children, one that has done so before, and will do so again."


Cops wouldn’t enforce it. They own all city government in the US.

And people wonder why young people aren’t having kids and don’t want kids

I’m sure they’d find an excuse to selectively enforce it on black people

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makes you think

Not enough school shootings at super white private schools?

Really stupendous job there Facebook.


Using this as a justification to shut down public education is a fun twist. Especially after Republicans spent the past two years howling about kids needing to get back into schools.

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I mean, educated people are naturally the enemy of the stupid. Destroying our education systems has always been a goal of the deplorable.

At the very least, democrats could start here:

Teen Texas elementary school shooter was able to buy AR-15 because Lone Star state is one of 44 states where 18-year-olds legally buy a rifle: Six states have raised age to 21 including Florida after Parkland shooting

by raising legal age to buy these types of guns (or any gun) to 21 years old.

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Someone with Borderline Personality is way more likely to hurt themselves than to kill someone else, especially family. One of the biggest indicators of BPD is excessive fear of abandonment.
