‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Jesus H Christ, they tell you in any active shooter training not to make a sound, what are these cops doing here.

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I know they dance around it now, but I expect the crazies to eventually settle on eliminating public schools. They teach CRT, kids get shot there, they (badly) redistribute money from the wealthy, they’re generally strong bastions of unions that support democrats, and are just overall socialism.

Only reason they wouldn’t/won’t do this is even the MAGAest people don’t want the responsibility of figuring out where to send their kids for eight hours a day, and most of those people certainly aren’t rich.


Again, this is confusing to me. I thought the guy immediately barricaded himself in a room and the cops were outside. So how did the shooter enter another room, shoot a kid, and then go back?


I would assume everything you hear from the cops is a lie and believe whatever the kids are saying.


I live in Iowa. The Republican state government’s response was to sign into law yesterday a gun bill that contained the following provisions.

-Legalizing the ability to purchase handguns from private unlicensed sources without a permit or background check

-right to carry a gun in public places without permit or safety training

-right to use semi-automatic weapons for deer hunting. Including a statement from our Republican Governor about the need for hunters to have a more effective and efficient firearm to control the deer population. (Note, this obviously also makes them more effective and efficient at killing people)

All this the same day that she tweets this garbage



Going to say that while personally I thought these two posts were terrible when they were made, they have aged far worse and will go down as two of the worst takes ever shared on this board.


I mean, do you not realize who posted them?


I would bet that the cops THOUGHT he was barricaded in a room when in reality he was probably roaming the halls looking for kids to kill while they were outside playing on their phones or threatening to tase parents.

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We just have to vote harder!


Ever since Columbine cops are trained to move towards the gunfire and engage the shooter in school shootings. Whether or not they’ll actually do it is another story.

Sounds like the cops used the kids as a distraction so they could barge in safely (only sort of kidding).



Reading the Wiki on 2A and there’s definitely a lot of stuff I didn’t know here. For starters, that it was rooted in English common law, which itself was rooted in conflicts between Catholics and Protestants. I’m not sure whether to blame England, religion in general, western civilization, or humanity. We are just the worst.

I wonder what things would be like if the 2A was written BEFORE guns existed. Like it’s the same basic thing - everyone has the right to arm themselves - but it’s about spears. Would today’s gun nuts be showing off their tactical spear collections?

I was thinking about this last night:

Why don’t the largest cities in America keep trying to pass complete gun bans within their city limits?

The courts might strike it down, but who gives a shit.

I’d absolutely feel safer if Chicago made mere possession of a gun an automatic jail time felony. I’m sure it would get stricken down by the courts, but you can keep hammering away at it under the guise of being a “Well regulated militia” until you maybe convince Democrats that court packing to get these laws passed is worth voting for.

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Yeah its almost impossibly disgusting that they are going to use this to hurt trans people instead of doing something about guns.

Candance Owens STILL has a fucking tweet up about the shooter being trans that has been proven false by the person in the pictire multiple times. Neither twitter nor Owens has taken the lie down and tens of thousands of people believe it.

If they dont use this to hurt trans people they will use it to hurt hispanics because he had an hispanic name. Somehow they will still get votes from that community.

Everything feels 100% hopeless.

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Treating the constitution as a religious text that is parsed through for meaning by 9 people wearing black robes is anachronistic, cult-like behavior for a 21st century society. If you tried to explain it to a neutral party they would laugh at you. And we base our entire form of governance around it.


It makes sense when you realize that these people also all belong to religious cults.

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Ans you know what is an actual cause than this fucking “we are giving these kids mental health problems because pronouns”?

The bullshit promise of the american fucking dream. Fuck you. There is no american dream. Its a fucking nightmare and these kids know it. Wealth inequality is so unbelievably fucked they know they have no way to ever prosper. Hey kid, youre 18 and have two choices. Skip college and get a shit job with shit pay and shit benefits or go to college and get a slightly better job with slightly better pay and 20 years of crippling debt. Want to buy a house? Well lets see whats left after the millionaires and billionaires buy up the houses to become slumlords over. Oh wait, are you still paying those student loans? Well fuck you then, no house for you. Come back in 15 years.

Oh and you want to think about having kids? Great idea! You can leave them a fucking crater wracked with previously unkowably intense natural disasters to live with. They can go see the ruins of coastal San Farncisco and Miami on their spring breaks. What a world for you to leave to the next generation.

They know this. 18 year olds fucking see all of this. There is no excuse to take your rage out on innocents, but I understand why these shooters might be on the brink of despair.

Hopefully the next one to snap does it on the floor of the capital and not in a room full of fucking 10 year olds.