‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

And charging them for failing to stop shooters.



The thing is every solution that involves spending money in any real sense Republicans are opposed to so even if you think they’re saying all these other things as a goood faith but obvious misdirection from gun control, they also don’t mean those things either




The parents should have tried holding a BLM protest inside the school, the cops would’ve been in there in a flash.



This one is hitting me pretty hard. I think it is the combination of:

  1. Complete hopelessness regarding any kind of policy response. The bad guys won and there is nothing any of us can do about it. We all just have to accept we’re playing Hunger Games with our kids as we hope not to lose the “will my kid get murdered” lottery.

  2. Finally, and I can’t believe it took this long, I’ve fully internalized that basically everything we were taught was uniquely good about this country was a lie.

  3. The degree to which most people just sleepwalk through this even as they collectively have the power to change it. This country is like a 5th generation trust fund kid blowing the family fortune with zero appreciation of how hard it was to earn and maintain. Truly staggering entitlement and lack of agency.

  4. The absolute hopelessness of good guys to change any of it. The Democratic Party is an absolute joke, an incumbency protection racket above all else. And yet it is truly impossible to get these assholes out of the way. Biden, Pelosi, Clyburn and Schumer are collectively over 320 years old. And the supposed good guys just keep voting them in after a lifetime record of futility at everything except retaining power and wealth.

  5. Where we’re going is now pretty obvious. We’re not ever going to have a functioning democratic government again without violence in about 28 months.


Try feeling this way for two decades.


This is a big part of it imo. So many people’s world view doesn’t extend any farther than the end of their street. And to the extent that they are exposed to issues that do not directly involve them, they are influenced by right-wing social media forces.

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OK this is perfect. American journalists need to be trained by British interviewers. But at the end after Cruz has grown exasperated and want to snap back at the reporter what’s this argument? That Matt Yglesias tweet





It’s not in the eDem playbook to react proportionally to things. Their instinctive reaction to a crisis is not an immediately and forceful action. They will continue to treat murdered children like climate change - vote for us in 20 consecutive elections and we promise we will implement policies that target slowing the growth rate in murdered school children to less than 2% per year by 2060.


It’s really amazing how Republicans will come up with ANY excuse before admitting guns are the problem. ANYTHING, no matter how fucking stupid of an idea it is. They keep blaming mental health, mental health, mental health, blah, blah, blah, but the real mental illness is their obsession with and love of guns. It’s sick. I’ve lived a pretty nice life and have never touched a gun. The only reason I have even entertained the idea of getting one is because of right-wing nutjobs and their determination to arm everybody.


Yeah, I didn’t sleep very well last night. A combination of many of the things you mentioned, and just thinking about the horrific way in which a bunch of 10 year old kids lives ended.

And I don’t have kids, I have no connection to this town in Texas, I have no power to personally change any of this. I don’t know how the people who do have this power sleep at night.


Yesterday was my kids’ last day of the school year. Took them out to a good pizza place (read: expensive) for dinner and my prevailing thought throughout the meal, aside from how aggressively spicy the “Hell Boy” pizza was, was that I’m just glad they aren’t potential targets (presumably) for two months.


A bunch of them sleep on a big pile of money provided by the gun lobby.

I’m not into guns either, but I had one held on me, at an ATM robbery. I can tell you that if somebody with a gun has the jump on you, you’re not winning even if you have a gun of your own. In fact, I’d say you’re more likely to die if you have a gun of your own and try to reach for it. In my case, it was a simple transaction. He asked me to take out money. I did, and handed it to him. He ran off and I’m left standing at the ATM. At the time, I had to drive across the street to call 911 from a pay phone. The scariest part was that the cops made me go back to the scene of the crime to talk to them.


A first grader brought a gun to school last week in my wife’s district. That’s just really really nice.

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