‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Look there’s a certain amount of entrances that everyone has to go through. If they don’t walk through that door they’ll find another way in. Through an air vent or sewer pipe. Do you want to make sewers illegal???

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Honestly I had become pretty numb to these massacres, but watching this father caused me to totally lose it. And then the video of parents trying to get to the school. Just for fucking once I wish one of these shooters would chose an RNC or NRA convention instead of a fucking elementary school.



Let’s make every school not up to fire codes to own the libs


Also it’s also what they said after the Santa Fe massacre and they… didn’t do it and passed permit less carry.


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Since it’s obvious Dems can’t and won’t do anything I’m wondering what outcomes we see in 2.5yrs when GOP controls all branches of govt. Could we see an MTG type introduce bill that mandate every man woman and child be fully armed with automatic weapons.

And of course booby traps and ballistic blankets for every classroom

I reckon forced arming of teachers.

The only legislation they will pass is a complete ban on the sale of firearms to liberals. And it will work

Coming hot on the heels of the Roe thing I feel like this has locked in total annihilation for the Dems in the midterms. They are going to lose one house no matter what happens and Biden is always going to have veto power so it doesn’t matter at all in terms of governance. You would have to be off your rocker to line up to vote for one of this collection of complete losers.

Yeah, probably true. I’d be more optimistic about it if I thought a non-far-right-wing party would be subsequently able to take power nonviolently in this country again in my lifetime.

i guess they don’t really believe the good guy with a gun lie.

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Sounds like you’re saying the options are a non-far-right party never taking power or a non-far-right party taking power violently.

I’d like to see a state vote on repealing the Second Amendment.



He retired before he could get fired and is currently still awaiting trial.

listened to about 5 minutes of fox radio in the car, looks like they have settled on the look at Ukraine talking points, Biden sending Ukraine guns but wants to take away yours, no money for school safety because of Ukraine, look at Ukraine to see what happens to an unarmed populace

Kimmel gives Cruz and Abbott way too much credit