‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

So the shooter locked the door, the police didn’t “barricade” him in there. They couldn’t open the door for 40 minutes.


Does make me wonder why the shooter didn’t go out a window?

Trying to figure out a timeline of the events from the official statements that makes any goddamn sense is like talking to the townsfolk of Zozo in FF6.


Yeah now we have shooters who grew up with active shooter drills. So they know classrooms are fortified, and they can get inside and lock themselves in. .

Makes me wonder why it took 40 to 60 minutes to find a master key.

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Scarier than any horror movie.


I’m 100% going into my daughter’s school in this situation.

Police will have to shoot me too, I guess.

ETA: Im probably trying to grab a cops taser and baton, too.

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The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is to wait around until he runs out of bullets or kills himself? Is that the talking point now?

I don’t want to get into the details of whether or not the cops handled this situation properly or not. But we now have a lot of dead bodies piling up from mass shootings where good guys with guns were absolutely present and mostly unable to stop them.


No. But if the cops were doing something they wouldn’t have to be holding the parents back.

If there’s enough time for parents to gather at the school and threaten to storm the building, it sure seems like there’s enough time for cops to do something other than wait around for the border patrol swat team or whatever those guys were.


Well then they will definitely shoot you.

UVALDE, Texas (AP) — Frustrated onlookers urged police officers to charge into the Texas elementary school where a gunman’s rampage killed 19 children and two teachers, witnesses said Wednesday, as investigators worked to track the massacre that lasted upwards of 40 minutes and ended when the 18-year-old shooter was killed by a Border Patrol team.

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, who saw the scene from outside his house, across the street from Robb Elementary School in the close-knit town of Uvalde. Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said he raced to the school when he heard about the shooting, arriving while police were still gathered outside the building.

Upset that police were not moving in, he raised the idea of charging into the school with several other bystanders.

“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” he said. “More could have been done.”

Officials say he “encountered” a school district security officer outside the school, though there were conflicting reports from authorities on whether the men exchanged gunfire. After running inside, he fired on two arriving Uvalde police officers who were outside the building, said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Travis Considine. The police officers were injured.

Dillon Silva, whose nephew was in a classroom, said students were watching the Disney movie “Moana” when they heard several loud pops and a bullet shattered a window. Moments later, their teacher saw the attacker stride past.

“Oh, my God, he has a gun!” the teacher shouted twice, according to Silva. “The teacher didn’t even have time to lock the door,” he said.

Lorena Auguste was substitute teaching at Uvalde High School when she heard about the shooting and began frantically texting her niece, a fourth grader at Robb Elementary. Eventually she found out the girl was OK.

But that night, her niece had a question.

“Why did they do this to us?” the girl asked. “We’re good kids. We didn’t do anything wrong.”


What percent of kids in that room were killed? Clearly any fucking breach is better than letting the dude kill kid after kid. It’s like being on flight 93 knowing what happened on 3 other plans and sitting in your seat quietly. Every fucking police department should have the ready ability to unlock or bust down any door readily at hand.

Those are fucking excuses. Complete failure to understand what goes on after hundreds of school shootings. They want people to back the blue? Then they need to put their body in the line of fire to protect children. JFC.

Excellent points how this guy knew how to use the “defenses” to maximize his killing.

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Reminds me when they first started “hardening” schools. They installed a bunch of stuff during the break. I remember my teacher explaining all of it but what stuck out the most was he said “it’ll keep us safe is the shooter is outside this room, and isolate him if he starts in this room.” Someone asked how we get out if they start in the room and he kind of gave this sad shrug and started teaching


Man it seems obvious the kid had a rifle on him from every eye witness. You really have to wonder what the school resource officer was thinking.

Wasn’t there a guy like that in Parkland who was basically a school counselor with a license to carry and did nothing? Or maybe one of the other school shootings.

School counselors aren’t trained to shoot a kid in a split-second life or death decision.

But at the very least the school resource officer should have some kind of panic switch that locks everything or at least sounds a gigantic alarm to tell the teachers to immediately lock their doors.

Not that guns aren’t the problem. Just saying if you’re gonna have the damned armed school resource officer, at least give them the ability to instantly and remotely put the school on lockdown.


Why do the accounts say the police officers were fired on, but never states they were shot? They were fired on and “injured.” The police put out so much bullshit after these tragic events I can’t help but be skeptical of every word.


Yup, the SRO in Parkland did nothing and stayed outside. I think he was fired for this (and maybe even charged). Of course gun nuts just dismissed him as a coward rather than refuting the idea that SRO protect kids against mass shootings.

This armed police officers at the door stuff. That’s, say, two police officers on duty guarding a door for 8 to 10 hours a day for every school in America.

I’d say odds are at least 80% that they were injured diving for cover or something like that. If they were actually shot, the copaganda would likely be trumpeting that fact to help portray them as heroic.



Mostly it’s the most annoying sound on Earth because it’s the sanctimonious debate nerd voice, but made made worse because Cruz never outgrew using it.

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